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Everything posted by madgraffer

  1. what the hells goin on im postin and its comin out at random ass times and postin back inthe pic
  2. i think this is one of the best means ive seen....nice clean legible...keep rockin:cool:
  3. man i really really got to paint :(
  4. and you know i drink plenty of these......................
  5. dont you hate it when you leave paint behind and get dissed by your own paint..... :D :D :D
  6. I remember in 94-95 Pear worked at the bills in watson, and they had the paper train deal going, and he would always jump threw his window like dukes of hazzard to get in his car then years later in 02, i was painting bills in santa cruz and there was gonna be an art show that night featuring TITS and PEAR was taking up 4 parking spots with his art supplies and was painting HELLO KITTY getting butt fucked guy was nuts, much respect to one nice straight up BARGER RIP PEAR -HYPE
  7. just noticed that king said thanks pair on the train far right 2 down....
  8. check the train all the way to the left one up fromthe bottom....rip pear
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