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Everything posted by madgraffer

  1. found these in a random ass spot.......
  2. Re: Don't Call it Frisco nice run of flicks..
  3. yeah, your rite...thats tomorrows graf future........
  4. i wana see somepics of the real skan.....i bet hes really really good.....cant wait....
  5. thats an ol school movie...like yo kicks god o war....
  6. ok not to hate but heres flicks of the real relm....and as cute as it is sorry kid the people are making fun of you on here not jocking you.... and i guess the real relm likes to cut and paste on the computer too....
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco and i really liked this one so i saved it for last..... thats it for me....
  8. Re: Don't Call it Frisco heres a bigger version.....of this one...i couldnt see it well up there...
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