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Posts posted by Polyp

  1. I been writing "GHOST" part time for a few years but never took it seriously or made much attempt to get up, but I want to take it more seriously and start developing some style. I've been working on my design for a bit and I'd like some input/criticisms/opinions. I'm sure it isnt very good, but I dont have any friends that write, so their opinions arent that useful.







    old spray i did probably a year or two ago





    nice flow to that piece

  2. Site those chars are dope, that DieClan page is cool too, and Duke you know I love that script (/nh) style, where is my Alts in that style???


    couple quicky freestyle steches from work that I went over with sharpie outline to make it more defined


    Mynd (really hate the N which is why this isnt your exchange)





    that "S" goes hard

  3. SAM_0054.jpg


    something i quickly did for the homie cus because i was bored, just tryin to work with some new letters



    piece is looking good man, work on the handy though id say. no way near the level of the piece

  4. attempt for diesel battle, but gave up after the i..

    the rest is just a random paper from work i sketched on while eatin tacos..ha..




    on the first one you should of stuck with the orginal style tthose letters are fresh

  5. nothing wrong with the proportions of the letters at all , E is v nice. the arrows coming out which arent connected to anything id connect as an extension or leave out. good progress ^^

  6. ^^ phony lookin like your on the right lines, one thing that will help is if you build each letter from equal width bars i.e the P has a straight bar and a curved one. Will help you keep each letter consistent i.e on the "o"

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