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Posts posted by coerce

  1. why did you start a tread asking for advice?[/size][/b] Especially on a really retarded question. Spectre wasn't trying to be a prick. He was accually giving you good advice. If you can't figure out what a sticker is, you shouldn't be trying to use one. In fact, if you have to ask for help on that broad of a topic, you shouldn't be doing graffiti. Everyone is just going to laugh at you; Or in this case, they are already.


    My guess is you're in middle school. Grow up and learn to fucking spell.





    but yes i agree.

  2. what the fuck? i swear to god i saw a diff pic last time. of an octopus. im not crazy!



    umm, i think the lettesr should be thicker, and i would lose the alot of the little things. its just not my style, so i cant really give good crits on it. its not bad tho.

  3. shut the fuck up about your parents. no one cares. we have our own problems.


    as for the pic, im assuming your attempting a throw, otherwise u ought to be. get your lines smooth, letters the same size. dont ever do that spiral shit, ur not good enough, just brings a whole new lvl of shittiness.



    haha ras i dont think you recognize me.

  4. instead of wasting a post ras, y dont u just explain it yourself?



    syfr, get them the same size, dont worry abt shadow right now, overlap them, and use blocks to construct them.

  5. yo, ive always stayed over at bombingscience but today i decided i mind as well join here to, my sn over there is ALIVE. some of u might recognize me from over there, i recognize some of u. anyway, ur all better then me on this page but here goes:


    a bomb and tag under my new name


    i did it fast, thats why the choppiness on the shadow so plz excuse that

    unless ppl tell me its terrible and im just oblivious to it im gonna paint it 2mrw and get pics


    please give me all of your thoughts, good and bad, as long as they r helpful





    thanks so much

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