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Posts posted by chillchillin

  1. vomEt PS crushes atlanta, and has for a minute. also that diss went over his oh no shout out. oh no died last year. thats like going over a kids shout out essentially. no better. learn the facts and have respect. all you internet jockers change your hobbie...

    RIP kids dac

    RIP ohno ps

    -unbiased third person spectator

  2. wait wait, part of this was quoted but read again:


    WITI-TV, MILWAUKEE - Graffiti affects the way people view your city, and a graffiti expert gives law enforcement some tips on how to fight it. The expert says it takes a village to combat its own graffiti problem.


    San Bernardino Police Sgt. Dwight Waldo came to Milwaukee showing law enforcement from Wisconsin to Illinois how to fight graffiti. He says when most people see graffiti they think it's gang related, but it isn't.


    85% of what you see scribbled on bridges, and buildings everywhere is by taggers. Their handy work causes the most damage, and is all bout the rush. Waldo says, "His criminal purpose is to use graffiti vandalism to gain personal fame, and notoriety. To put it in the high visibility places where it's most likely to stay at."


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    A perfect example of tagging was the Marquette Interchange incident in 2009, it was highly visible and risky. Milwaukee homeowners have expressed frustration to FOX6 that they can't keep up with the clean up.


    Waldo says prosecution and community involvement are a vital part of preventing this problem. Waldo said, "There are studies that show if a person takes, and covers up graffiti within 24 hours. It's only about 3% likelihood they'll get graffiti again. If it goes out to 24 hours, it's almost 100%. Because they're looking for a place where it will stay."


    Waldo says about seven years ago in California they lowered the felony threshold from $5,00 in damage to just $400, impacting their level of graffiti. In Wisconsin the felony threshold is $2,500, that number can only be changed by state lawmakers.


    gow this waldo fool know so much??? i smell bacon...


  3. just a bit gay.^^^


    gay like ballin, making cash doing something you love? call me a spelunker of male anal crevaces!

    jk, it does perhaps lack integrity assuming the purpose of graffiti is purely illegal letter-based art, but few would turn down such an endeavour...

    tried to get flicks to accomany the rant but every mother fucker on flickr spaceballs their shit! this is fucking graffiti!!!!!

  4. i love american black metal. wolves in the throneroom and weakling are two personal favorites


    that shits called "false metal."

    death to it!

    im not really kidding but i heard theyre good and the homie plays guitar in that band so im down.

    i used to think few writers listened to punk, metal, grind, all that shit, but its real common. like finding kuk scribes at my local punk record store, or oze108 tags in an old venue here...thats part of how i got into graff actually, is through punk rock. thats why its cool when someone throws up some discharge lyrics or a kreator song title, you know theyre down and we could all kick it and rock out and vandalize.... sorry, all talk! no flicks!

  5. man, didnt believe it at first...

    fucking tragic. dont know too much about him but when i first went to pittsburgh i thought kids was a crew it was up so much! since then i noticed him up all over in my various travels. real pure graffiti.

    seeing a lot of this stuff is really sad, im sure a lot of people here can relate to feeling like a mess, feeling like youre a fuck up and drinking to forget... at the same time its really inspiring to see the creative vandalism and be able to relate to th pain that drives one to do it..


  6. waldo...

    always watched for your shit especially after meeting you behind riverside market... midwest style inspiration for sure... pieces whatever, its those street spots that count. rooftops off freeways, straight on-blast street sides, tags, thats whats up... nice flicks

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