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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. that flick doesnt do the atak justice
  2. plantrees is cold and he puts in hella work. at least one car out of every 2 frieghts i see hes up on. bump for him even though hes not from here and really doesnt belong on this thread.
  3. my small contribution. it might be the last post for a minute.
  4. sorry those haunt and byfar pictures are not very good. ill go back when its not so sunny.
  5. ohh yeah and... from the superthread
  6. ^^^i hear this kid jacked some sophomores for thier paint earlier tonight. shits funny.
  7. its a shame he buffed that ok peice.
  8. get a better flick of the mayes and morels peices
  9. comeon now oddio you can get better flicks than that. got these a few days ago and was waiting to post them
  10. somewhere close to normal illinois
  11. six is really good at graffiti
  12. chill out man, im not trying to start beef im just trying to bring some flicks and when people say dumb shit i call them out. when did i say that posting flicks from a crew made you affiliated? you were talking shit about me posting tmr yet you post pbsk. not hating pbsk ive met a few of you and you seem like hommies, but if you couldnt read the kbar throw or even just recogize his style then you are obviously new to the game and have no right to talk not that im some og but shit man. you ask too many questions about shit you shouldnt. just go back to posting flicks and stop talking.
  13. so you want me to jump on my own neck? really not sure how thats suposed to work. i personaly think tmr is way better than pbsk and you see to post alot of their stuff. and stop being gay and saying shit like STFU.
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