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Posts posted by KniggazInDemStreetz

  1. what was that circus-y music that played when they stomped that guy with the dada supreme?


    "watch where you walk yo"


    Daniel Johnston - Casper the Friendly Ghost.


    Daniel Johnston rules.


    Sebadoh - Spoiled is among my favorite songs.

  2. In regards to all this bombing in the hood how to dress stuff, one word, Gentrification. Plus, if your in a city where the ghettos and every other type of neighborhood aren't adjacent, but more gradual in change, like oh let's say Chicago for instance, you can avoid these said neighborhoods, because if a person like me went to these neighborhoods to paint I am just as well of in regular clothes then some ghetto gear. Let's say I'm thin and white with glasses (nigga) and fitting pants (nut huggers, emo girl pants) either people are just going to laugh at me, or move on you. I remember I diffused a jumping by simply stating "What's up?" when some hardrocks were trying to move on me and my boy in a not so good hood. It depends.

  3. Tommorow I'm going to dress all fancy because I start school late and have time to dress.


    Right now I am wearing Arc'teryx fleece pants.

    Intellegentsia Coffee, Lowrider Los Angeles T-Shirt.






    Pants and shirt a half-shade darker.

    Black Socks.


  4. P.S. I actually just flickr'd your name (that I remember from when you thought someone was Bloodfart), I guess I shouldn't have brought the name of graffiti into it because there some cool throwups and tags, but seriously, delete that from your photobucket dude, that's making me super paranoid.

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