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Posts posted by heel.moeilijk

  1. it looked pretty cool, although my woman accidentally trashed the file about 2 hours after i downloaded it so i wasnt able to read more than 10 minutes of it


    It was actually really good of a read. I don't personally think that bodyweight training is the end-all of workouts, but I really dig the progressions and rep schemes that he laid out.


    It also gives a ton of variations on the core movements, so it'd be pretty hard to get bored of things if you did decide to make a program solely out of BW stuff.


    The whole BW-only thing has its place and it's obviously capable of getting you stronger and in shape, but I wouldn't consider it more "functional" than regular weightlifting, other than comparing pull ups to pull downs.


    That said, dude is right about the OAC. It cannot be fucked with in terms of awesome and strength-building.

  2. I've been bouldering for the fuck of it lately. I started in order to supplement my BJJ, but now I'm almost addicted to climbing things and its definitely had an impact on my grip, forearms and lats. Certainly not hypertrophy, but they're much stronger.


    Plus, it's a good way to work on your tan in the summer.


    I don't know where I'm going with this post, but, yeah. It's been awhile.

  3. smith machine gives you perfect form, as long as you compensate for the bar having zero weight do your squats on the smith. then once you are comfortable with your form try it with the regular 45lb bar in front of a mirror.



    A Smith Machine actually gives you the opposite of perfect form, as it fixes you into one, unnatural plane of movement.

  4. Planet Fitness has a mad deal - Join for a buck & $10 pm. Kickin' my butt back into shape that's for sure. Worth it for the price.


    Don't plan on following any of the advice in here if you sign up at PF, as it's illegal.


    Fuck you, lunk alarm.

  5. I had neighbors when I was younger who did this stuff in the back yard as part of training for a larger event. The LARP-apalooza, I assume. It provided a ton of free entertainment to watch them swing foam swords at each other and flail around on the ground when they were struck.


    I found out that my neighbor was a cop, with no children, who invited these kids over to live out their Lord of the Rings fantasies on his property with him so I can only assume that those children were being groomed for pederasty in the future as well.


    Then I realized how cool it is to have sword fights ( || ) and was jealous.

  6. I've been talking to a friends cousin who spent some time in prison.

    Really good guy, just caught up in some bullshit. He's been schooling

    me on prison style workouts.


    Only thing I find odd is that he told me 6 days a week is the way to do it.

    That is way off base from what most of the material I've read/watched says.


    "Prison style" workouts rarely include additional weight. It's easy for your body to recover in a short period of time when you're doing calisthenics, which is what allows Olympic gymnasts to train 5x a week for 5hrs a day (the amount of steroids they're likely on aside).


    It takes an additional load to really break down your muscle fibers to the point where they need ~48hrs to recuperate. There's no way you could possibly keep up a schedule of the same workout, 6x a week with weights. Even on juice.

  7. I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds, but I've already built a lot of muscle over the last few years. What would you recommend for losing weight while making smaller strength gains or at least maintaining strength? I just started doing 30 minutes of on/off sprints on the stationary bike to replace some lighter riding I was doing after I lift, as well as eating oatmeal for breakfast 4 or 5 days a week and eating a bit less in general. What else can I do?


    What are you trying to lose the 20lbs for?


    If it's just for appearance, then you may not necessarily have to lose the full 20lb. Worry more about how you look in the mirror, not what the scale says.


    If you're losing weight to be competitive in a sport, then it's all about diet and cardio (HIIT). Diet entails more than just eating oatmeal for breakfast and generally eating less, however. And cardio is much more beneficial if you're running than if you're on a stationairy bike.

  8. This is the workout regimen I've slowly evolved into

    Day 1: Legs/ Abs

    Day 2: Arms/Chest


    Day 3: Back


    Any thing I should add/change?


    Deleted your lifts so that it doesn't keep stretching the page out when I quote.


    Day 1 looks fine.


    Day 2, I'd take the triceps press-down out in favor of incline bench. Almost everyone neglects the clavicular (upper) portion of the chest, which gives a lot of help to "look and feel strong". Work it just the same as regular flat bench.


    Day 3, if you're capable of doing pull ups or chin ups, do those instead of the lat pulldown. They're infinitely better. If you can't do pull/chin ups, do a couple sets of negatives, then go to the lat pulldown for a couple sets so you're getting the reps in for growth. If you can only do a couple chin/pull ups, again, do a couple sets of them, then go to the lat pulldown for a couple more sets.


    Also, do abs every time you're in the gym. They're one of the few muscles that can be worked with such volume and still respond/heal in time. Weighted ab crunches on the pulley machine are an excellent exercise, so you're good there, just bump up the volume to 3x a week.

  9. In any physical job you're always told to lift with your legs and not your back, then there's deadlifts, where all you do is lift with your back... so what gives? How is that not bad for your back?


    You don't lift solely with your back. You drive off the floor with your legs, and your back should take over the brunt of the work right when the bar clears your knees in order to pull into the upright position.


    Check out this video when you get a chance, it goes over proper execution, common mistakes, and how to correct mistakes:


  10. The only thing I disagree with is the Goblet (Potato Sack) Squat. Unless you're standing on plates or something, depending on your arm length, as you squat down with a vertically-hanging dumbbell, you're only going to be 1/4 squatting before the weight hits the ground.


    It's a good when taught to beginners unweighted, as it enforces the concepts of pulling your shoulders back, locking your lower back, and puffing your chest out that are necessary to complete a proper squat. The addition of weight really fucks with depth, though, so I'd avoid it.

  11. Thankyou for all the replies guys. Appreciate it. I went ahead and purchased heavier weights.


    I am planning on doing this as natural as possible. No muscle milk or protein shakes, no supplements at all.


    Prolly stupid of me because I am sure I won't see as drastic results or at least fast results. But we shall see


    Protein shakes are still natural, and are a cheaper, easier way to get all of the protein you're going to need in order to grow. It's really fucking hard to eat 6-7 times a day most of the time.


    I'm not trying to sway you from your idea, I'm just saying.

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