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Everything posted by Eastavenu

  1. Continuing on. Once again sorry for reposts, but I don't remember what's been posted. A bunch of connectors I had laying around. Some Gre as requested. Some more randoms. I miss this state.
  2. Since moving away from the great state of Connecticut I have not been contributing at all to the thread, my apologies. Here are a bunch of random flicks new and old, sorry for any repeats. A little Jarno-Rock-Ouija action to start. And some classic Geser.
  3. Lovely usage of space on that Ouinstillation.
  4. Bump that last Rock, it is quite ill.
  5. Holy shit! That Luer looks like its on the Deathstar, I'm jealous and would like to paint on that. Bump Luer.
  6. Really enjoying the fill on that last Jimboe.
  7. Other C states steal Connecticut's writers, but I can't complain about Ouija Emit walls, really digging both of those.
  8. BUmp that last Owni, and that last Rock.
  9. If I start a Connecticut thread in Channel Zero will everyone go there to talk about stupid shit? Don't you guys get sick of scrolling through bullshit to get to flicks? I'm dedicating this post to graffiti that tears the roof down.
  10. Rock's heart is cold like Russia.
  11. wow bump that connector, good stuff.
  12. About time, good looking my brother. Here's a few from my personal collection. I will continue to add when I have some free time.
  13. I wish I could ban like two dozen people on here. Cut the terrible banter. Bump that Jimboe. Here's a flick we've seen before, an oldie but a goodie. Post more flicks.
  14. I too am a user of "gorilla" tripods, and in my case that means anything i can steady my camera on. A good trick for that situation is, set a short timer on your camera and let it sit, that way if you are using a slower shutter speed you don't shake the camera while pressing the button to shoot, takes away potential blur.
  15. Bump Skem. No bump for Anime.
  16. wish this wasn't so overgrown.
  17. Took some photos today, I'll post the rest tomorrow.
  18. Probably the best name switch ever, shitty flick because I tried to fit the whole thing in one photo, sorry aloe.
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