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Everything posted by FuzZy

  1. Holy shit there's cops on this website???? This is all news to me...
  2. fuck you faggot.... I got your bullshit right here
  3. Fliks from the vault....
  4. ....just another TOY move and they wonder why people call them toys and faggots and the fact that no one likes them purple leder sicr-fowl wall green apple melt KOC ol school DES's kolun-mines-des and cant forget my boy shoyu creepin on the end of the conrail
  5. Nice post herb.... That acept-des is where it's at...
  6. This is why no one like you....just shut up already
  7. ^^^hahaha....Directed at oldfaithfuls post I thought he said "my final words" then he goes on whining all over again ....please be done-faggot
  8. This kids funny....who's mad??? Bump all those repetitive moms fr8s and those lerts....
  9. hey little-gay-tree just shut the fuck up.....you obviously dont know what the fuck your talking about everything you just said was completely false... ...and yes you do selfpromo, cause who else post your SAME UGLY ASS LETTERS!!! pallmallz is correct on that ....and Ive seen plenty of different styles from both kolun and sicr...styles for miles and on another not PYLE isnt my boy by far...only met once...but I would rather see his shit any day over yours....not so much his throw but his pieces are pretty cool, and his straights
  10. What are you doing posting all those fliks???? ....this thread is for running off at the mouth someone in here is a movie star
  11. Im in Hawaii....theres no snow out here bitches next week Ill be in Brazil ....Im on a world tour TUME blowing loads
  12. Headline News Video Killed the Radio Star ....and has been for years If I say faggot will it mean Im as cool as you??? Faggot
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvaExDwQ5cU&feature=related and this....too funny
  14. Someone needs to backhand that kid .....been trying to bench for 2 hours and I've only seen a line of intermodals....this is worse then crabs
  15. FuzZy

    Wash DC

    really...fuck your dead friend??? thats fucked up.....
  16. I had a bunch...gotta see if I kept em or not ...didnt know you needed .357 also, you shoulda let me know
  17. but you have to actually CATCH it....cause Im going to be tossing it to you ..its a test to wether or not you want some paint or a top shelf 40oz of malt liquor decisions decisions..... GANGSTA COOZY....
  18. try it and you'll catch a 40.....or 1 of my many others!!! HA yeah that SICR over the water is fresh....cool piece - cool pic
  19. this thread sucks....needs some fliks stolen catching up to BIGMACK...probably not even close BUMP THAT CELM....
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