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Posts posted by EnoEzaf

  1. freak its good and all but its also liek the definition of toy wildstyle...you have way too many extension type arrow type tings without realising where to put them...i see 14 extensions in the top one all along the outside...it just looks rediculous...the style isnt cool enough to get extensions yet

  2. unless i was liek a rediculously good king i would never sue etch casue id always have doubts that the handstyle i did in it was not owrthy of lasting forever...i just think its stupid cause once i have bombed everywhere with it id get bored and have nothign else to do for graff


    not to mention the felony charges it comes with...just gay

  3. Originally posted by i need a better name@Dec 28 2005, 04:40 PM


    this shit is fuckin fire man...your other stuff is def coming alogn but this looks fresh as fuck to me...if you take it all apart and seperate it i bet itll look toy but it looks hott now

  4. what do you mean theres a lot of wobbly lines? are you talking abotu my hand is too shaky, i cant help that...im not tryign to be an asshole but theres not much i can do to make liens perfectly straight im not gunna like use a ruler...thanks though peace


    On another note, i notice alot of you guys are having torubles with developing your letter structure...well i dont want to be the deusche bag to tell you all this but you have to think outsaide the box on a little hated word writers call "biting" bascially when i first started i didnt no any morals to graff at all and i bit a ton of shit to attempt to gian respect and it turned out bd but now that i make my own structure i still am biting peices of letters but i dont bite it from the same thign i got it from for example my name is faze and i bit my f of a j with some extensions that was 1000x better than any peice i could think of so officially im stil biting but in my opinion it aint hurting hnothign cause im still changing it aroudn and it loks nothign liek a j anymore..then i just work the rest of the letters aroudn for hours till i get somethign to match the styling of the f...hope that helps someone

  5. what do you mean theres a lot of wobbly lines? are you talking abotu my hand is too shaky, i cant help that...im not tryign to be an asshole but theres not much i can do to make liens perfectly straight im not gunna like use a ruler...thanks though peace

  6. critique it please...and i already know i gotta make the sizes equal cause the f is way too big compared to the a and e (and it says faze)






    this one also ssays faze...its a little older...



  7. Originally posted by 5iveDee@Jan 15 2006, 04:38 PM

    yea I added way too much dot 3 too one of my markers and it would come out tight as shit when I would do the tag, but whenever I would come back to flick it it would be all nasty looking.


    yeah man i got the smae problem i just amde my first ink and i used too much alcohol and its way tpo drippy and not opaque and comes out liek dribbly with hoels in it and shit if you knwo what i mean...bascially just not thick enough...

  8. so i made a new marekr/ mop by tkaing a zig posterman and replacing the nib with a chalkboard eraser so thinned paint (krink) can go through it...now do i need to take the inmk pump out for it to work or shoudl i leave it there to contorl the drippage?

  9. how do you open a sharpie? i have an empty one here but cant open the damn thing...i assuime you just poull the colored part thats under the cap off but its not working...do you need like a magnum or chisel tip to do it? cause im using a fine point the classic one

  10. ohhh...well that woudl make sense cause i wasl okign for ner ink adn inferno ink on google and neither would come out now i understand how they're one kid...i saw some on urabndesignz...looked tight...


    thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread ive made a list of all the shit im orderign and i got recipes all saved on word im gunna be making a ton of inks soon...thanks guys peace

  11. yo 21006 hto shit in that sky...feels liek an outsider peice if you know what i mean liek a dude whos left out from the other people over to the right...


    right now im plannign on doign some kind of sky nad this gives me some more good idea to base it on...

    excpet mine will be dark blue red orange and purple and shit to make it a late sunset

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