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Oh shit

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Everything posted by Oh shit

  1. bump vomit, ATX in the NW always a good thing.
  2. bump to bill turk, i like his shit, don't hate just because he took shit further. Everyone has their own agenda, just because he stopped writing letters, does not mean his shit sucks. Just look at the people who do characters and are well respected in the graff "scene". I am sure I am going to get shit talked about me but really i could care less, where i am from there is more support to shit like his and everyone else out doing thier thing, i love the northwest but there is way too much animosity in the graff world here.
  3. :five-o: AND WAIT,,,,,YOU WANNA MEET SOMEWHERE ,,,RIGHT ? COOL, I'LL BRING ALL MY SKETCHBOOKS AND PAINT. MEET ME AT THE GREYHOUND STATION SATURDAY AROUND NOON. I'LL BE THE ONE WITH PAINT ON MY FINGERNAILS IMPATIENTLY WAITING TO TELL YOU WHAT I WRITE. Quoted post [/b] yeah so that is being a bit paranoid, i am not trying to meet anyone, or trying to make "super cool northwest writer" friends. All i asked was if anyone knows where in town to buy caps. Last i checked buying caps is not illegal. :haha:
  4. yo, i just moved up to seattle, i was just wondering if anyone in here knows where i can get some caps in town.
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