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Posts posted by illusi0nz_inc

  1. Originally posted by MAR@Sep 15 2005, 01:19 PM

    sucessfully made my mop and rocked it over town.


    My recipe just in case someone cares:


    Griffin scuff cover (black), medium sharpie poster paint marker, copper colored aluminum dust . and small pieces of metal for mixing


    i dumped it into a o'glue pen and ran around town.


    sparkle coverage is pretty good it makes you do a double take. next time ill use a lighter metal, like silver or light gold.



    hah .. i made my chapstick marker yesterday , it leaks like fuck .. everytime i open it to use it, ink goes all over my hands ! it works pretty damn good though ..

  2. im new to this forum, n i been graffin since the start of this year .. n i dont mean to be a fuckhead and change the subject u guys are on, but for the chapstick marker, wat can i use for the tip ? if you guys got any suggestions that work .. and do i put wax on the inside bottom of the chapstick or on the outside twisty bit ? thanks ..

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