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Posts posted by Seca...

  1. i can see how having grafftiti on somwthing causes more graffit to be put on it , but thats onkly cause people figure that the own doesnt care enough to buff it. the thing about graffiti causing breakins and shit ithink is dumb, becasue if theres a shitload of graff in an area then the people prolly can afford to buff it, therefore they dont have any money, so why would you rob someone whos poor? and you usually dont see graff in nice hoods like the burbs anyway

  2. etch isnt something to play...and dont ever put it in a uni...i did and it worked for a little bit, i open it an hour later an the shit exploded OD, all over my hands, face, pants room, everyting, i would only rock tha shit in a mop, like something not meant for graff but works anyway, and make sure you dont have something that will leak at ALL. i got it on my leg and didnt realize for liek an hour until it started eating my leg...it hurt for ever

    but if you ever get etch on your skin then wash immedaitly with a lot of soap and water it helps alot

  3. i think its madd bucked how how politicians always OD with graff laws. its just a political tactic to get them re-elected...they could focuse more on getting real crime down but people dont see that with their own two eyes as much as they see graffiti so theyd rather attempt to bring dow something more personally noticable than something statistical...my friend just got hasled for having a sharpie in his pocket and walking into a courthouse, it was mad funny

  4. locked cages, i didnt think that was possible to get anything from those,

    maybe people take like mini bolt cutters and cut pieces of the cage out like a fence, or they find one where some one might leave it open by accident?

    also: kind of crazy but maybe people use some strong-as-shit acid to melt the metal, like with bike locks, or get that liquid nitro in a can, and freeze it then bust it

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