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Posts posted by basekone

  1. "Why isn't there any real reason to correlate two events?"

    i don't know if you got an answer--but i think he meant that even though there is correlation between two events, one doesn't necessarily CAUSE the other... Correlation does not equal causation.


    ...i think that's what was meant, anyways.

  2. yo i'm still lovin this shit, just bein lazy and readin the chapters in here until you stop, then i'll probably stop bein lazy and buy it--


    it's still a good read though and gives me some good ideas (and motivation) for writing my own.


    p.s. i don't know how you managed to not kill buck with that knife, i can only imagine how much self control that took

  3. 1.) i've always wanted to fake my own death and just kind of bounce and travel forever with a fake name and shit just kind of doin whatever

    2.) sometimes i get really anxious and paranoid

    3.) the only dreams i ever remember are nightmares

    4.) i have to smoke at least one blunt every day

  4. i remember that when i was in new york the subway ticket machine retuned change in sacajawea coins.....i was like wtf?....id rather get some dollar bills back.


    this is one of the most annoying things ever, the first time i took the metronorth i was only goin a few stops and i paid with a twenty and got back a massive amount of those things, that shit pissed me off....

  5. I never signed up for Facebook because I thought the name was stupid.




    Probably the same reason I never saw Lucky Number Sleven.



    big mistake--Lucky Number Sleven is mad good, but i also didn't see it for a long time because of the bad title.

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