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the balance

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Everything posted by the balance

  1. oh dear,,, those are awaits from some other dude. i posted an await done by a girl. but now she'll prolly never write it again. and to misses callabash where ever u are,,, good night.
  2. that await piece is by a girl, her 2nd piece
  3. first time i've seen a monday but hey,,,u can put a whole fuckload for a few years and nobody will see anything... and well im not gonna say it was easier back in the day but when everyone knew everyone and ,,,fuck i mean godamn wall of fame was a fucking writers bench. when u dont talk to anyone ever about how "to get up" your guranteed to be a slow learner or whatever. and fuking 18 helicopters out every night and some shit. Dark Kapitol's got a a buff nowaday's that is much more intense then back in the day. go ahead and let me know otherwise.
  4. everyone i've met has shown me honor amongst writers and blazed fat l's. soooo i couldn't imagine going over anyone i've met. how do you sleep at night. doesn't it eat away at your soul.
  5. big up TUNE FIRE CAVE BELEV REZIST EON ^^^^motivaters
  6. an for the record i dont wanna go over anybody's shit! and i bet after the dissin fad fades, all the old heads will start comin out. i want dc to flourish with pieces and frankly nobody's really motivated to paint when the shit is just gonna get scribbled on.
  7. i was blown,,,, the blue n dolz got buffed for the cherry festival. and i never got a flic. its all about night flics for now on!
  8. looks like slaes pussy has a lot of poo smudged all over it. u arent susposed to eat ass kids!!
  9. yo soaker u need to chill... damn man,,,,who's ever had a problem with type r. thats the homie. im cool with u man. but why are u always yellin about shit. did belev make sure the wall was clean and baby powdered, before he apllied that paint cause it'll get a rash later on if he didnt.big up sek belev and rezist.that friday was fun cheezburger. how about that white bus!!!!!
  10. a cleaner shot of that ever
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