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Everything posted by BlackFlux

  1. I keep seeing people telling other people to work on their letter structure. But be honest with ya'll, I think the biggest difference between the experienced and less experience is finishing what you started. And that doesn’t mean extensions, color and force fields. I’m talking about the adding the 3D to your letters. With that said, finish your shit. Some of the tightest stuff I see on here is simple.
  2. Vare's right it is the letters. Though I also think it's the marks he's using. It looks ok but you need to make sure the width of the letters is even throughout.
  3. Sesu, you seem to be on the right track. Keep on truckin. On another note, how come when I am not logged in all the pictures are displayed but when I am logged in I have to click on the picture link to view them?
  4. Yo quadra thanks for the advice. I plan to re-sketch it in my blackbook and then I am going to digitize that beast. @dropoff, I like what you are doing. You're on the right track and the orange and blue one is looking real smooth bro...
  5. Thanks quadra... When I redo it it's will look different. Usually I sketch with a pencil. Then I redo it on the computer. That last one was a quick sketch with a pen. So I really couldn't make edits like I would have liked to have done. Take a look at the one I did below. It's pretty much the same thing but it should show you what I mean about making it look cleaner. http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/2348/flux82pb.jpg
  6. I haven't posted anything in a while. I think I am going to redo this over, maybe clean up the lines and tighten the piece up a little. FLUX
  7. ^^^That's exact what they. They are just rough sketches to get me to this:
  8. And that's funny because?!?!
  9. It would look a whole lot better if you added connecting lines to the force field.
  10. Only thing I see wrong is that your letter lines and the crack lines makes the piece it confusing. Other than that it's on point. Colors are right on. I wish I had marker control like that.
  11. @Akshun... thanks and you're right it is computerized but I sketch and ink everything I do before I hop on the computer. I'll post the sketched version when I get home. @killurself, what does it say? It looks pretty hot though. I think if you cleaned up you lines it would even hotter. Though for some reason I think it’s the markers.
  12. Yo ENKO your on point. You always got them colors poppin' off.. And the lines are crisps.
  13. Damn... so much tight shit on this page. @VARE, I really like the green and purple ones on the same image. @KrEM1 and Yankz, you guys aren't toys.. Tight shit ya'll doing. @Akshun, looking good homie keep truckin' RAGIN... I didn't freak the R right, but semi happy with it.
  14. @vare, what are you talking about man, the colors are hot. I wish I had marker control like that. What type of markers are you using again?
  15. @Colonel Sanders, cool shit homie I like what you got gooing on @Rend, I am really liking that last one in that series @conspiringone, those canvases are hott. Are you doing them with a brush or paint markers!??!
  16. RAGIN... inspired by VARE!
  17. Oh is that what he's talking about? That's the look I'm going for.
  18. @Melo, I sketch everything out on paper and then redo it on the computer. And as far as graffiti being a trend goes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. @vare, Thanks for the advice. "like shade them instead of blok 3din." Are you talking about the corners?
  19. @blackeye, cool characters @Rend, I really like what you're doing with the extensions. More colors would really make them pop @flickpostuh, dude you have 700+ posts Quickie. I might color it later.
  20. Damn… where to start? @VareOne, I really need to learn from you. It really looks like you sketch a lot. I think that's how you really get good. Plus with those last ones you posted it kind show ppl how you formed your letters. Props. @Politics&Bullshit, your shading is off the hook man. I would really like to see you color them because it would look sick, especially the character. @freak, I really think you got something going… I know those were just sketches but cleanup your lines. @C4BOOM, work on your letters just as much as your charcters. Good start though. @CRUELone, shit looks tight to me. Keep’em coming. Just did this one and I really like the arrows. I'm still not there yet though. :hatred:
  21. Thanks EKSOxo... Still trying to find my steeze. And as always tight shit you got going on. I still am trying to freak the markers.
  22. yo vare you pieces are always on point. I really like the last one though. The color really make that piece pop.
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