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Posts posted by DABAWL

  1. Do people really care that much about the R lines? I always looked at them as more practice type spots or something to do when your bored. Yea a lot of people see some of them but thats just how I always looked at them. So if you dont want skrew (or anyone else) going over you just write on the streets. Then if they do atleast you have a more legit reason to get mad

  2. Actually once, but it was a 2 game series against the cardinals.

    I dont really understand why there going after heath bell as much as they make it sound on espn. Obviously hes a pretty good closer, but madsons been good this year finally as a closer, i dont know what u can expect from lidge but hell be back. I think a right handed bat is more important. but if they can get bell without given up too much i wont complain

  3. you ppl are clearly overreacting. its not like a legal wall for graffiti. in the video its little kids and old people. and i doubt there gonna be makin much money off it anyway

  4. War 2 ur a fucking retard. ive sat here and watched all the stupid shit u said and never really cared. but making a joke out of someone who has raped and killed innocent people is not ok at all. especially wen u live on the other side of the country. you deserve to get raped u dumb little fuck

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