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Everything posted by canucmee

  1. i love hawaii!!! :love2: :love2: :love2:
  2. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  3. word.lets jus forget wat i sed.ill keep my mouth shut.lol :yuck:
  4. Shut the fuck up, idiot. Quoted post [/b] ahaha shit no beef.
  5. n a character dat he did.
  6. heres a sample of his stuff.
  7. um if ur not da antik frum hawaii i tink u shud change ur name.thought id let u no.
  8. ahahahhah shaddup. :haha:
  9. damn how many times r u guys gonna quote dat shit. :yuck:
  10. sorry bout da size :headache:
  11. messin around in class.wat do u guys think???
  12. tell me wat u guys tink of dis sketch...
  13. shoots.ill work on dat.thanks for da advice.
  14. i didnt learn dat graffiti is jagged edges i just tried it.
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