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Everything posted by EUROne

  1. FATCAP SESSION... :hatred:
  2. C DE LA BALLE CE PERSO.. :love2:
  3. Seriously fuck the buff, KEEP SENDING FLICKS....
  4. :haha: alwayz jack off before posting :haha:
  5. stake? un melange de stack et stare? c est du bon! ;) Quoted post [/b] Pardon mec tu as raison je parlais de stare, j'ai vu des trucs a eux sur un mag francais Graffit avec les KG, MID bon lettrage franchement.. VIVE LE QUEBEC LIBRE!!! :haha: :yuck: :haha:
  6. Bien le flop ether, sinon big up au NME crew (stake,hest..etc...) doing there thing.
  7. EUROne


    BUMP 4 MERZ...nice letters
  8. :huh2: NO IDEA WHAT IT SAYS? But lovin'it...
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