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Everything posted by EUROne

  1. some old shit...Roofs of SF
  2. i know, huh?, we're great... Quoted post 10-4 Quoted post [/b] :confused2: WHAT?
  3. :haha: :haha: :haha: fuckin'pigs
  4. That's it for now, let me get my camera back!!! :hatred:
  5. Some of the last flicks i took before they took my camera :hatred:
  6. Thanks to you all, i wanted your opinion. I know you all been thru that shit.... MERCI ;)
  7. They droped the charges of felony for mideameanor because it's my first time,but I am sure that if I don't show up in court I will have a Warrant and they'll deport me back to Europe? These mother fuckin :five-o: saw me doing it do you think I can still pled not Guilty? THANKS INTERNET
  8. YO frisco... I need some help guyz, Just got out of jail, a fuckin' Ghost car in an alley. They saw me tagging. My question is should I pled Guilty or not at the court date? It's my first arrestation in the US. Send a pm if you can give me some advise. Peace out :heated:
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