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Everything posted by EUROne

  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/phunk/
  2. FROM THE NYC thread. BUMP :love2: And who started the circle-around-the-tag? Don't get it twisted. Quoted post
  3. bump for phunk he keeps this thread alive<<
  4. I am not here to "serve anybody". :rolleyes: I'm just trying to conserve what we do. People have no respect for our art>>They erase it, critisize it even piss on it:-( >>It is important to have a trace, you'll see what I mean in 20 years when they will realize that we where an intelligent (for the most part) group of artists and that we are the only one that pushed calligraphy that far.
  5. ^^i' SECOND THAT. :rolleyes: not stolen...
  6. We should just post pictures here>>like phunk does. shutthefuckup is right... :idea:
  7. old ATARI piece>>It's him on the left... :smiles:
  8. atari has one of the illest throwies around Quoted post NO.
  9. The weather report>>>>it sucks :yuck:
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