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Swift Ninja

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Everything posted by Swift Ninja

  1. ryke, seeking.... SO fresh fuckin lovin it
  2. yo thats some hot shit Selm, specially that new freshy wurd up from BS and Verbal Kint, some of those look like they could be nice, but then u go and ruin em' by sprayin an ugly ass block and write'n sumthin stupid on it.... sometimes u gotta learn to jus stop and be done with it before u ruin the entire project. anyways, u gotta do your own thing, but u also gotta take the oppinions of other people into concideration, because in most cases, art is made for other people to look at, so taking critisizm possitivly is key. and also, concidering how many canvas's you do, progression SHOULD show from your work, but in your case everything is pretty much on the same level, maybe u should ponder on that and think about how u can learn from your work, because even the best have room to progress but with that said, to each his own, and good luck with whatever u may decide on peace
  3. ^yah thats gotta be one of the dopest canvas's ive ever seen!
  4. yo man, that looks so fuckin nice, with the light shineing from the center of the green swirlyness and all you obviously know what your doing.... im gonna have to try and recreate that as well as i can really apreciate u doin that for me, much respect peace
  5. accually, i completely ran out of the green paint, so if i fuck that part up im kinda screwed but yah i know... i just gotta pull up my socks an do it thanks for the tips man
  6. totally unfinished!? shit! i dont even know where id put the white highlights... oh well.. i guess ill just give it a shot god damn... the hardest part of this is deciding what to do with it
  7. so your sayin to do an all white boarder eh?..... seems like it would be a little bit plain?... u think i should give it a black outline at least? and yah i was thinkin about addin some white in key spots of the flower, but purple too eh?... sounds like a good idea thanks bro
  8. whoh buddy! that shit is so sick i love the background, i love how u used the background for your fill, i love how your 3d effect flows over the highlight, ahh! i love everything :love2: and that handsyle is intence! hot hot shit man, wurd up
  9. yah im not even sure if havin a boarder is the right way to go... or how i would even go about doing it like... black outline... or no black outline? ahhh god damn im so toyish
  10. wurd up to RYKE and Architect... shits HOT this is my second canvas.... im paintin it for my girlfriend and im scared to go threw with my plans and put a boarder around it.... im too worryed about fuckin up what ive already got anyways, feedback/advice appreciated
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