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Sentser BCOmer

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  1. you Nusr/Mr. Siruis or Flickman, why did yall go over the RUMS/REAM/SENTS prodo on this wall????? Those were burners and you went over them with two tones??????? What is that???? Since none of you respond to pms or phone calls I gotta ask you through this thread...
  2. yo flickman check your pms!
  3. yeah dude that shit is hot to death.. r.i.p. heist
  4. does anyone have any flicks of the tracks off of 71 on the south side of cleveland???? its where the poke and verb rollers are.
  5. any have flixs of bombing up north...
  6. what about bucyrus, zansville, youngstown, marrion, you know.....
  7. Wheres the up north shit, clevland, toledo and what ever else is up there....holla at it!
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