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Everything posted by SOAKER


    Wash DC

    Damn...I remember in 94 bombing that right side as you go into the city...There wasnt shit there and me and SUM smashed that shit with throws, and then went into the tunnel and hit the metro side...Hey if you dont like what dem toys did...Man up and crush their shit....

    Wash DC

    its nice though when you actually been to all those spots and seen that shit in person...Damn its a fucking shame how theres all this exposure to graf through whatever media and cats still are throwing up wack ass shit...Some motherfuckers would be better off justbiting some styles to learn some shit....

    Wash DC

    MONEY IS POWER....YES where are they now? Uhhhh who fucking cares....Its all about DBK and HOA!

    Wash DC

    CLEAR the KING of DC? Get the fuck out of here...Go back to whateverpart of the world ya heard that shit at

    Wash DC

    you seem to miss the point... just shut up...

    Wash DC

    yo Id post some newer shit but you know how that shit goes...those bitch ass taggers out there will just want to cap the shit once they see it...

    Wash DC

    <font size=3>REPOST.....is that NOM form NY?

    Wash DC

    HEY 5dee, you just discovered what graf is obviously...why dont you just shut up and stop treating this GRAFFITI forum like your little personal diary telling us about your dad and shit where the fuck he works at or what the fuck everschool or when you get out of highschool or how wack you graf is .., you dont even write dude and if you do its obviously not worth looking at ..seriously you and everyone else needs to <font size=5> SHUT THE FUCK UP

    Wash DC

    <font size =6 color= #FFFF00><big>SHuT UP YA <font color=#C0C0C0>idiots<font size= 7 color=#000000> havE no clUe <font color= #00FF00 size= 4>baBBling<font color= #800080 size=5 >SHit heads
  10. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    DARK...yo I know that dude...hahaha...WTF? that pic must be 10 years or so old...If its the same dude
  11. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    fuck that, school is for fools......ugghhhh
  12. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    <blink><font size=7 color=#ff0000>WHO FUCKING CARES!!!
  13. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    please post something youve done, Id really like to see what a cool graffiti master you are. If its good, then Ill give you props, but dont start talking shit with nothing on your plate. And dont judge a city by some pics you see on the internet. Quoted post Hey guess what shit head...I read "Clout" magazine. The same guy that wrote your citys graffitty history said that Nore and Coma were the LAST KINGS in your city. Nore and Coma rule the city of Washington DC graffitty. Nore and Coma are the most pathetic bombers in the United States, but they are the kings of graffitty in the Nations Capital (aka) The most powerful city in the world. But I guess that guy knows nothing about graffitty. He probably lied about all the stuff he wrote in the Washington DC graffitty book. So im not just judging your city by the pictures, im judging it by the print written in the book of the guy thatwas the original king of Washington DC. Quoted post [/b] MONTANA SILVER is fuking annoying eh? yo hes like the wine connoisseur of graf....just ignore him and he might go away...he just babbling useless nonesense...hes judging graf on clears book or whatever. cmon hes a dumb ass obviously. if you respond to him hes just gonna wine about something else.
  14. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    This guy is funny...hahaha....really I'm getting a kick out of it. Maybe hes right though. I mean you all do suck pretty bad...hahaha...really though DC per capita is decent, ms just has a fucked up attitude and thinks he knows what is going down. Straight driving through NY or riding the trains its all tags and throws and random shit, with the occasional burner on a roof or some legal wall. NY: 8.1 million people within an area of 321 square miles DC: 563,384 people within an are 68.25 square miles NY is at the heart of the New York Metropolitan Area, with a population of almost 22 million
  15. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    everyone needs to shut the fuck up...noone gives a fuck about his personal life...theres the graf and thats it...stop being groupies...or make a Iswingfromborfsnuts.com site...K?
  16. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    bump fo the aker striat letta
  17. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    You got your bus we got ours
  18. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    SLAE betta bemo careful going over KOMA like dat! he diss you man!
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