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Posts posted by SOAKER

  1. niggers and fake ass graffiti writers is whats wrong with this world....stop swinging from my nutsack shasta mcpaperchase...you liberal nigger loving pussy...


    hey nobody said anything about black people here...just niggers...get it straight...

  2. yeah thats great...it was probably painted in Europe though and theres a good thread Burners and Style that would be better suited for. It would be easy to post a lot of work that would fit that thread, not this one....this thread is for shit talking and posting old pics dont you know!

  3. keep that drawing shit in the paper chase thread....ITS NOT GRAFFITI AND ITS NOT INTERESTING...The only black book shit that should be in here is decent shit like some of the hits AJ FOYTE put up that are classic....like the BLACKOUT tag...or SMK...it doesnt really matter but try and show some discretion...or not...

  4. man these toys are lucky to have such a public medium for people to see the shit they do...those fucking letters are some fucking garbage...try biting off a cereal box or some shit cause that shit looks like some little kid did it....leave this here for quality graf....anyone can pick up a can and paint some fucking retarded ass letters and be like"ITS GRAFFITI YO"

  5. ok there was some writer from the early 90's with that tag but that was way before your time and he was a county head and he used 2 bs...if your that fucking old then youd be doing some thros with style and not using some dried up ass markers you stole from the teachers drawer...

  6. ok look this is not a chat room...you aint a player and dont fucking write or bomb like that nor are you player...so theres isnt anyone hating on you...you are probably 15 and need to get the fuck out of here with the bullshit...

  7. shut the fuck chubs this isnt your personal diary....them pics is some garbage...theres some quality graff being produced and put up on here by ELW and HOA and the newer street shit but you want us to look up on here about you cracking on disabled kids and your childish comments on drugs and that wack ass black book pic you posted like 4 fucking times...

  8. nigger and wet back porn is the best...them bitches love getting fucked...seen this wet back get skull fucked and she threw up and just kept on sucking...oh but seriously why dont you guys shut the fuck up...god damn...

  9. yes painted flowers are wonderful...I saw those and let me tell you they are just beautiful...and the 7 eleven is just the best place to pick up a good sand nigger wife...

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