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Everything posted by SOAKER



    trash smash trash smash trash ? smash

    Wash DC

    bannana handcock be regulating with the klingon logic dun dun hes MAD TIGHT!!! this thread is superduper mad fresh like tightywhiteys fresh from the walmart!! ITS THE REALNESS!!!

    Wash DC

    this thread is boisterously gay; hilarious Oh I mean MAD TIGHT son...

    Wash DC

    are you implying that they are boisterously gay tall son?

    Wash DC

    mad (md) adj. mad·der, mad·dest 1. Angry; resentful. See Synonyms at angry. 2. Suffering from a disorder of the mind; insane. 3. Temporarily or apparently deranged by violent sensations, emotions, or ideas: mad with jealousy. 4. Lacking restraint or reason; foolish: I was mad to have hired her in the first place. 5. Feeling or showing strong liking or enthusiasm: mad about sports. 6. Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation; frantic: a mad scramble for the bus. 7. Boisterously gay; hilarious: had a mad time. 8. Affected by rabies; rabid. tr. & intr.v. mad·ded, mad·ding, mads To make or become mad; madden. Idioms: like mad Informal 1. Wildly; impetuously: drove like mad. 2. To an intense degree or great extent: worked like mad; snowing like mad. mad as a hatter Crazy; deranged.

    Wash DC

    yall niggas be on some bullshit...shit is weaksauce...

    Wash DC

    old photos suck... props...PEAR is smashing... best shit in over a decade

    Wash DC

    you can king a line with throws...these definitions you and others come up with are generic and trying to impose your view as if it was definitive is ridiculous

    Wash DC

    doing "pieces" or having skills does not make you a king
  10. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    the problem isnt SPC its all the toy ass writers who feel the need to constantly talk shit. SPC is posting flics of his shit at least and then responding to the tons of negative comments...the recent photos of SPC and ORICLE bombing the lines is by far better than same old photos that have been recycled 20 times that were just posted... all this talk about throws being wack and style...Im sure none of you making those comments can do a good straight letter...some fo the best and most notorious writers only do throws and if you think thats weak than you really dont need to be writing graffiti...
  11. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    why the FUCK are you asshole posting some TOY ass tags and throws from the back of some fucking building in a park?!? STOP THAT SHIT!!! STOP whinning about SPC or whatever and keep your weak ass photos at home...
  12. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    you need to shut the fuck up...allready...
  13. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    its fucking sad that you kids feel the need to constantly post your shit on here
  14. SOAKER

    Wash DC

    get off the bandwagon...
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