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Everything posted by waters

  1. CAcashrefund for gnarly thanks for the extension starz i've been to busy to even draw anything.
  2. unfortunately my mintal will be a day late...
  3. Lites Creul=10 good fill and letters, solid Ecro=7 letters are so-so, try for a better picture Fatcap=9 good letters and niiiice 3-d Killencellz=8 3-d color vibrates with the rest msa=4 whats up dude your hands are always on point? shirk=8 the "o" isn't flowing the wise one=6 nice desk? no color no points ultimix=7 tag-banger fonts? no color Middles Darthvandal=8 cracks are over done.....alot ebaddestofthemall=8 letteres are almost piece style Edogg=10 i like the "F" and the "s" infamouscraze=9 cool fill and i like the letter substitution merik=8 looks like those old silver wholecars dondi and dero used to rock Starz=8 cool fill. okay letters. watercolor? Heavy Sometwo=10 tight, almost a piece kod=? ???????????? onheres=10 business as usual, good use of the bubbles Xipe=9 good letters and type carrier. that "t" is lookkin a bit "j"
  4. this hollow is fucking insane.
  5. i always feel like somebody's watchin me
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