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Everything posted by MYKbomber

  1. chillen been busy ima get at u with the flicks soon slacking od
  2. niggas got their panties all in a bunch this morning. manhattan whats good my african slum lord
  3. the only msk i fuck with is MANHATTAN SUBWAY KINGS from the 1 line and the bx if u drawing some rainbow boogers and doing trendy letter outline fades on your pieces then u should pick another hobby
  4. word up one of the doper writers from outa town
  5. ewok is jersey born.. I'm sure he grew up in the city though ... either way bump ewok, staer, jick, mug, yes2, keo and more none of the writers i posted bars are not proportionate look at the pieces longer toys ... that kase2 by aroe is garbage anyone who disagrees is toy I'm not gonna argue with you homos imm out lol
  6. this is how its fucking done fuck your 8 trillion colors, futura 2000 jocked fades, bootleg ass extensions and wack ass letter structure
  7. i aint even gonna lie, the character is fresh though. I'm just being honest so don't cry about it for 10 more pages 12oz
  8. that shit is hurt... no concept of letter structure or proper extensions whatsoever... come on man look at that E... the bars are opposite of proportionate and it looks like its a underlined O.... the K is simply wack and the S and the A's bars aren't proportionate either. that dude never looked at a real piece in his life.. maybe I'm just traditional but multicolored angry looking boogers isn't what we call graffiti over here on the east coast
  9. all those cities mentioned aint what they used to be period
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