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Everything posted by phunk

  1. c. clarence, i'm tempted to respond in depth to your comments, but i tend to think that this isn't the place for that conversation. if you want to have a dialogue about this, feel free to pm me and i'll be happy to discuss it with you. i'll just say a couple things, though. for the last 2 years on this forum and elsewhere, writers have urged me over and over to put together a book of my graff photos. now that i'm finally working my butt off to make that happen, a small number of people want to attack me for it. i guess the lesson is that it's impossible to please everybody. damned if i do, damned if i don't. nonetheless, i'm working hard to create something worthwhile, respectful, and lasting. my guess is that you have no idea who i'm working with, how many people are involved, how hard we're working, what i've sacrificed to make this happen or how careful and fair i am trying to be. you made a lot of assumptions in your comments, most of which just aren't true. to my knowledge, there has never --never -- been a decent photo book showcasing/documenting the bay graff scene. i'm working my ass off to try to finally make that happen. i'm doing my best, which is all any of us can do. will it be perfect? nope. will i do my best to create something positive, cool, vivid, fair, and accurate? absolutely. will people still complain loudly? probably, and that's kind of sad. i welcome your help and ideas and those of any others who want to contact me. seriously. thanks, peace and happy holidays, -phunk
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