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Everything posted by Boogie

  1. Battle rule no 34: Any piece, tag or general artwork that includes a reference to Juggs, Biguns, or Chubbers shall immediately be declared winner of said battle without further debate. Sorry Pre, I think I like yours better, but rule 34 stands, Kash wins ;)
  2. hahahha no the other way around... Tones EDK is from Geneva, he's gotten around a fair bit though. EDK crew was originally started in Geneva in 1989, before spreading stateside thanks to Master Reys...
  3. TONES EDK all day every day even on Sunday. One of the freshest out of Geneva. But that top silver is not by him, must be another Tones...
  4. one of my favorite Kash pieces, fuckin perfect!
  5. serious connections going on in here! Dope! Thanks for the shout
  6. Because Serval cheated with the extra red ahhahahahhahaa!! little green details in the other pieces don't come off on the small pic, but details were off the chain!
  7. E to reverse I connect is fresh! Super dope!
  8. and here is my snakecan sketch, i'll keep it for when East and Rapes visit the motherland!
  9. you forgot: Blastin one-eyed little muppet aliens... i gots better coming this week though, keep yo eyes peeled! straight from Midwest http://www.geneva.il.us/
  10. Bump Kid Tones getting some well deserved shine, Geneva standing strong!
  11. Bump Chosen Few one of Europe's most underated crews!! killin it it with style
  12. Kid Kash in Sydney Australia, ATTravelling... http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=106611&page=211
  13. Nah, knee is better, I'm back on the floor AND I'm in ATT!
  14. yup we been paintin: http://streetfiles.org/photos/large/673132 no time to internetize though... sorry...
  15. Yeah I'm down too! Bump posting illegal shit online so you can get more love from cops and the courts!! Keep it rizzeal!
  16. Feelin that E! and the use of dark olive for the background... I been slacking on the posting too, here is a pic of last weekend, managed to pull this out in the midst of organizing and things, good thing the guests were real cool and accomodating: http://jerseyjoeart.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/morges_switzerland_2010.jpg
  17. no that just means they need to be bigger and brighter ....
  18. crew lookin mighty fine right there! East that wall is blazing!! Rapes and jick holdin it down. Scribe, love the angles on the rooster! One of these years the swiss contingent is going to have to come and lay down the cheese!!!
  19. By easteste at 2010-08-20 this needs to be on a train, freight, truck, boat or submarine, so dope!
  20. Rapes doing overtime, Emit workin sketches and East bringing back the lower case E's!!! Looking good gentlemen, Euro-squadron is keeping it undercover, here's a sneak: http://streetfiles.org/photos/detail/590616/
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