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Posts posted by Boogie

  1. Yeah the top post was the one from Geneva and other few posts are of the dude from Nth America.

    Both great but I actually prefer the latter


    hahahha no the other way around... Tones EDK is from Geneva, he's gotten around a fair bit though. EDK crew was originally started in Geneva in 1989, before spreading stateside thanks to Master Reys...

  2. give it up for ego stroking stagnation ala legal walls and fancy paint... Legit crispy cleans as opposed to time in court and chases... I know the dues have been paid. Who's to say quilting clubs aren't more than craft. stick with what works. pigeon holes are so comfy. Pardon my criticism, just standing on the sidelines pulling lint out of my pockets.

    -I know I'm an asshole and so is robert hughes(dont read that shit).


    Yeah I'm down too! Bump posting illegal shit online so you can get more love from cops and the courts!! Keep it rizzeal!

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