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Everything posted by 2pacaveli

  1. How can sic justify capping obces with an outline that he filled part of a letter in... not only do his letters look like garbage he's a fucking moron- filling in part of a letter in a fucking outline! Anyone thats seen this kids stuff knows he usually just does outlines because he doesnt know how to fill in and had no intentions of filling all the letters in and doing an outline w/ another color. AO is not St. Louis graffiti. Its a group of confused want to be's that pretend they're in a gang because some of them can fight... the fighters are the worst writers (i use the term writters loosely) in the crew. You fucking make out w/ each other you faggots! Go the fuck away! You suck and fuck up the program. Jucerock please explain how it's ok to call yourselves a gang when you play the game "chicken" and it involves 2 males going in to each other to kiss and if you move away youre a chicken... YOU'RE A FAGGOT, WORK IN A BEAUTY PARLOR/HAIR SALON! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! No one wants to see your graff or have you in there life period. Leave everyone alone, we all (St. Louis) hate you.
  2. There'll be more KINK HORSE for tomorrow.
  3. SWIMS do you write? crew?
  4. one more for the old timer KILAPSONER aka RILAPS aka Fuck Up King akaMr. No Life aka Mr. No Hobbies. Start gettin up and quit being a crack joke.
  5. BUMP for KINK HORSE AMOS LUSFR The new wave of STL for real... those kids aren't playin.
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