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Everything posted by cast144

  1. somebody once told me "graff aint pretty", i never claimed to be an artists, nor i cared to be, artists usually went to corcoran or some other design school and got beat. im a vandal, i didnt have the smithsonian chasing me, i had the vandal squad, maybe shits changed, but there was a lot less crying back then, fuck blue got the shit beat out of her and she understood why, point is "handle your business", got your shit gone over, go find whoever it was, cant handle? stay at home, paint your backyard and fuck it, dont cry about it. have a nice day. CAST 144 KGB WRECKING CREW FUCK LIFE. by the way, im still bombing, yeah BOMBING.
  2. i wanted to keep this one separate. niggas wanna jump on some KELT we miss you shit. all i have to say is SANTI WE REMEMBER YOU... lets bomb like we did those 2 weeks before i went away, every night, not giving a fuck, and leave niggas laying on the ground like at the underground. FUCK LIFE TEAM 2005
  3. 1st thing you saw. somewhere, anywhere, everywhere... KGB crew, you know you was scared to come out. thanks purple fag for the fill...
  4. HERES SOME OLD DC SHIT... ultra & cast in straight up SHAW. krazy ghetto bombers. aup. cert taint & cast, old 9.30, f st was ours... cert taint & cast 13th st, we stole the spot from kier. more aup garbage.
  5. haha what the fuck a cast tag next to a myner throwie and its not dissed? fuck!!!
  6. cave: look man all im saying is that ahoy is not here to defend his shit, i dont think this is the place to air that business, you got beef? diss his shit like youve been doing, wanna take a step further, go ahead, but talking about a kid thats locked up is low, and i would be saying the same thing if it was the other way around. i dont know either of you too and all i see is whats posted and both of you put work in, if he did what he did hes dealing with it, fuck it, the dead kid wasnt so innocent either, if you in that game you know what might happen to you, but keep this shit here graff. sometimes beef is what keeps a scene alive, it motivates people, i dont see anything wrong with beef, just handle it the right way.
  7. maybe its just me but making fun of somedoby in jail aint cool, doesnt matter whose side hes on.
  8. at least that kelt and cert are still running... SANTI YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN...
  9. the solution is not shutting down the means of expressions but to start acting like men and stop talking internet gossip like bitches... later.
  10. cast and phonoh from brooklyn. WORLD WIDE KINGING SHIT... 2005... why do i post in the dc thread, you figure it out.
  11. the difference is that i never claimed to rule the internet but i know i kinged the streets... later...
  12. this shit right here is gay as shit, you got beef? take it to the streets, stop crying online about this and that, if your shit gets gone over come back harder, if you aint got the heart or the balls then you dont need to be up, fuck it. this aint about bombing or doing pieces, this is about handling your shit, and most aint. damn if coma has nice throwies or not, he got them up. and if you had any respect for your shit, if he goes over you go over his shit, shit is not that hard, get a can, walk the streets and diss shit. fuck, you all paint in a relatively easy city, where at any time there are at the most 20/30 active writers, cant be that hard, ask anybody in the old days if we didnt hunt people down that went over out shit, you all seem to know where he lives, putting his address here and bullshit things like that, what good does that do if you aint going to do anything about it, back then when we knew where people used to live we bombed their house and waited for them to come home to a beating. this has gotten to be another wall of fame, where toys come here to beef cause they are scared of the streets, fuck, if you cant handle the streets then you dont need to be up anyway. simple as that... i dont know if coma is a wanna be cast or not, whether you like his shit or not, but from i have seen and from ive been told, hes out putting in work while kids are staying home crying about legal walls getting dissed. seriously, this aint to defend anybody or to offend somebody, but reading everyday how atb this atb that, they are only 3 or 4 guys, cant handle that? whats the purpose of pushing 20 crews if none are going to stand up for you? fuck it. if anybody wants the list of punks that were dealt with let me know. lets just say clear didnt cross dc lines for a while... CAST 144.
  13. history lesson 101 1990 look at that meskoner hand, thats dc style, thats the style brought to you my mesk, wake, remer, joker, etch... smk, dah and cycle brought some ny influence but those are the original dc kids, the original mca crew. i remember mca nights at the canals, that shit would be so fun, everybody got along, everybody bombed together, moc/mata, rust, 15 year old felon, those nights at cycles dorm, when aup was aup and it was a secret, damn kyle, i miss those days, i remember going to philly to see your shit when you moved there, those me with the tongue, in a way its all our fault, the newer generation for not keeping that shit alive, your stop ignorance piece at the wall, the wake(!) piece, all that shit, even all the cycle stuff, i think about it and it makes me wanna turn the clock back and somehow make all that come back. fuck it... CAST ONER M©A ORIGINALS...
  14. now theres some style, original mca crew, creator of style. hit me up cultleader... cast144@gmail.com
  15. that dan is definetly a fake... it was funny meeting countless "dans" over the years. people wanted to catch his fame the cheap way, faking it. you cant front on MESK, he was responsible for the creation of the dc style along a couple of others. he pieced, bombed, and got fame. he moved to philly and painted a bunch there also. you gotta know the history of what you are into. sare had style, was a cool kid but never did any real damage. kier had his french fries throwies all over before getting more into piecing. CASTER144 KGB all over you...
  16. that budda throwie is all that... original FTP CREW since 90, thats whats up...
  17. since atb is so "gangsta" and there rinning shit "fo-Sheezy"..... how would they handle some outta town Real ny bombas cappin those spots or betta yet smackin yall toys back to reality with a back handed fist??? whats good? im not sure where you are from, but dc has always kept it real. there are just as real "bombas" in dc as in new york, and if you didnt know the only "outta town rea ny bomba" that ever tried to get fame off dc in a disrepectul way was sain3 and he had to change his name to sain63... ask wy.
  18. i guess i have to add my 2 cents... beef comes mostly from toys who find it easier to get fame by saying i went over so and so than actually doing their own shit. in my case i went over a fair share of people for one reason or another, but there was always a reason. i dont think i ever went over somebody for the hell of it, other than bullshit legal walls. in a way to have to earn the right to diss. and it has nothing to do with skills or shit like it was said up top. i think most people that i painted with didnt do for the art, they did it for the ups. to me it was never about art, i was and still am a vandal. theres nothing wrong with the artistic aspect, there are plenty of people thta pulled it off, from mesk and joker to siek and smk, but i always found it stupid that kids that never actually paint do a legal wall and get fame. the streets are for the kids that are out there doing their shit, not for art school students that think of cans as a medium and a wall as their project. i also know back in the day there was a whole lot less talking, no internet gossip and no internet fame. if somebody is doing something that you dont like, fix that shit, find him, beat him, cross him out, whatever, that shit should be more motivation to paint and destroy his shit, its really not that hard. whimpering here about how 1 kid dissed you seems gay, get your crew and go handle your shit, fuck... somebody said above i fallen off. as a matter of fact, im still painting, street shit, its just that its in argentina. dont doubt for a sec that if i was around i would still be bombing dc and killing it.... ps that budda joint rocks it... CAST 144. Kgb.
  19. last time. you wanna continue this aim me. keep bombing the good old usa. the onlye way you can make a name is if im not around.
  20. 1. if you didnt know takoma was rusts wall, he got it legal. so he could take however long to finish whatever the wanted. 2. you or your boy jale if im not mistaken got shook when cert stepped to you at dupont. and i clearly remember you and 2 other running from halo and me on the red line, one of you tripped and ate shit. 3. ha, yesterday you were on his nuts, now you could care less about him. ok ok. you bombed more than both of us combined? haha. 4. yeah you sure are a well known dc king,face it kid, nobody knows you, nobody cares about you. in all the time i bombed i bombed dc i never considered yourself a threat, as a matter of fact you were insignificant. and if you must know, im out bombing 2 times a week, doing street shit, and trying to king buenos aires. 5. whatever. haha. this is the same as you always did, trying to catch fame of other people. like i said before, if you want to talk aim me if not just keep doing the only thing you are good at, posting pictures.
  21. 1st of all, you werent around the whole time, in 1990 when thre were 20 writers in dc i dont think you were one of them , anyway, you posted a bunch of pictures and thats all right but you only commented on one and that was evade. and i think if you ask anyone here who has more authority on dc graff between you and me you would find out what you already know what its hard for you to admit. but regardeless, hbomb did legal walls thats right, but did you ever see me up on one? takome was the 2nd legal wall in dc after the humanity wall, and can you really say anything about rust or dah painting a legal wall as opposed to the bunch of legal wall writers that came later? those kids were writing when you were still learning your abcs and they still bombed, not like the dumb asses you defend. evade bombed like svev bombed but was he a king? i dont think so. yeah my 3 years of fame, and you are still jocking it, you know why? because you never had even 15 minutes. you dissed takoma in an attemp to get fame and never made yourself known to anybody. the ony time cert stepped to you you jetted, so i see why you defend cowards. i always said i respect blue way more than anybody i ever beefed with, cause she went out and actually took shit out. most toys like you just dissed bullshit throwies at the wall of fame but never had enough balls to take the shit to the streets. really i wasnt looking to start anything but for you to play lawyer to a punk and a bitch is really out of place. so yeah ask myner, or metr, or im not sure if thats was you one time on the red line running for your life and your boy ate it. yeah ask around. the reason that you dont see pictures of the real bombers is that real bombers dont bomb with a camera. toys take pictures of throw ups. with that said, if you want to further discuss this and not to make this board boring with personal beefs aim me cast144. and yeah keep posting pics...
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