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Posts posted by Anal<--

  1. Re: Don't Call it Frisco


    From Encyclopedia Dramatica. I'd suggest looking up AIDS too.


    The East Bay: Oakland and the surrounding area is much like San Francisco proper, except more ghetto, cheaper, and a lot more murder. Oakland is where all the Blacks in the Bay Area live, and is also the birthplace of wiggers, The Black Panthers and Tupac Shakur. In East Oakland, you can see Black people killing each other on a nightly basis. Berkeley, which is right next door, is famous for being home to all the bitter liberals that have been pissed off since Nixon was elected. While Oakland is sometimes jealous of San Francisco, the East Bay has a surprising amount of arts, culture, and fun -- if you consider graffiti, Hip Hop, and murder to be art, culture, and fun. Also, the East Bay has a great view of beautiful San Francisco, while San Francisco has a view of Oakland. Also also, Beast in Pig Latin is East Bay, so it must be cool.

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