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Everything posted by wirkone

  1. Its 142 years till the end of the age not 42, 2150 AD its AQUARIUS:eek:
  2. Thats dope! whos that below BEKS?... DESTRO?!
  3. without a fuckiing doubt in my mind (and i know im not the only one that sees this)but NOSHAME is RAKE.... jus passin threw the thread and observing you'le see... he givs himself props! LMAO! You aint foolin no one LOCO!
  4. 2thousand8ide like to see a beks bicks battle, itd be tight, but i dont know.
  5. wow that mast really looks gay.lol
  6. Those LNOK tags are saucy... am i wrong? i think not....
  7. I didnt say look under your moms bed for toys!... she dont need toys she has me!:p and dont be mad couse your faggot ass can never get spots like that. and fuck homewerk! motherfucker I dont play buy the rules! U do ur homewerk u fuking strait A student.
  8. WTF?! you really want to see peices? Buy a graff movie!!! look at the spots PIE is fucking getting? Those outta make your pussy quiver.
  9. you do that ill walk the south
  10. post yure shit then.... huh?
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