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Everything posted by wirkone

  1. osers o is legit just look atit
  2. Re: Around Modesto - Older & Newer bump this modesto shiiiiet SLEZY DETOUR AMEK [/center]
  3. uhh from the battle,hahaha dont hate on micah its not his fault he like to take pictures for us instead of doing it for us to flick but ill do it you flick it sounds fine to me
  4. blah blah blah , mi post count for today is
  5. yeah, motherfuckers fuck all the others that come talking shit on MODESTO209... 1 fucking year bitches, thanx Micah. Lets kick this shit up some levels MODESTO , or atleast thats what i think we should do. im going to.great job every one that posted pictures....... lets not let this thread die now, for sure.:evil:
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