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Everything posted by wirkone

  1. modesto looks great. graffiti wise not so much but other wise it looks great
  2. well sorry my add isnt good enough for you. but kill or die has mi vote
  3. here mi input first of many to come to get mi paper skills up
  4. rain rain go away come again another day
  5. he says tricks. how tricky can you get?
  6. whos 2bs? never seen that. fucking bump VASH and MARVL.,, and especialy bump detour dwsk
  7. DAMB ,VESouL, AMEKSER.... like how they paint there Names...
  8. Nah it says somethin on how some MODESTO cop abused of a minor (a relative or sumthin) and the judges are dirty couse nothing was done... I love my law enforcement:p NOT!
  9. why would u quote yourself?...
  10. yeah. But look at BIKS and DAMB go...
  11. That could'nt of been put in a better way! Hurry with them fliks BORIS! save the thread! Sink is cool
  12. GeeZ! wut a way to ruin the good streak or good fliks with shitty TAGS n such...
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