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Posts posted by KiLL Or DiE

  1. Originally posted by """"@Jun 21 2005, 01:53 AM

    Im not about to turn this in to a bitching competion but come on dog "nice shit"...you know damn well theres better books in the bay then the shit being posted. And this isn't a theard to be like "oh does my shit look cool"or "heres my latest name im gettin up, does anyone like it". Its about the bay an whose up in it, not toys tryin to self promote.


    You make a good point but why everyone actin like they aint got a book??...Shit anything is better than nothing right?..But yeah I guess...

  2. Originally posted by waters@Jun 20 2005, 09:03 PM

    i won't battle because of the visual oppression of K.O.D.


    :haha: :haha:


    yea killa, i was in hiding from you
    I know.. :king: :haha:


    AeroAsthetic, i like your shit..Nice colors...You only missing a bit of your 3D..But nice shit..

  3. Originally posted by onheres@Jun 20 2005, 08:54 AM

    im back,, i just moved to new town and got my internet back.....

    anyone down for a little battle.....? pick a word.....


    Welcome back,. I was wondering were in the hell you were at....Hiding from me, Huh PUNK ???(Instigating)..... :haha: :haha: ....See you in the finals...I'm out to paint..peace...

  4. Originally posted by """"@Jun 19 2005, 11:58 PM

    What the fuck has this thread turned into ...?shits all bad.



    And you aint helpin by complaining..Why dont dont help this fuken thread then..Post sum shit up...So far I've seen some nice shit on the last few pages...Better than having this thread on the second page like it was a few months ago..Now it stays on the first page..


    Lets try not to quote the same damn picture over and over..When you reply erase the link...

  5. Originally posted by 727 click@Jun 15 2005, 09:22 AM

    this should have been a wild style battle, not a 10 color filled in throw up....


    Not everyone can bust a "Wildstyle" piece (no diss)...By now you should know that sometimes even the most simple shit looks better that a full unreadable shit....








    But then again maybe you dont know that..

  6. Originally posted by StarzAbove@Jun 9 2005, 02:27 PM

    If 'm correct Xipe's prob busy and yellowfeets also.I would start the voting but no one has posted. Prob better to post your flic last cause peeps might get intimidated, but I doubt that happened with Xipe or YellowFeets


    Yeah I feel that busy status..but I guess I'll wait..For now I have other 2 battles to take care of....



    Postpone your battle ain't due till sunday midnight (which was 6-5) (Starz)


    MECH(Nothing Computer Generated:Due6/9) Xipe v. KillorDie v. YellowFeets X - 0 - X


    Waitin....Sorry to be an asshole but...There was a due date...Starz we gotta do sum bout that shit too..We cant lag on shit..If you cant come up with your shit on the due date for whatever reason?..Your dog ate your sketch, gotta save the world or whatever, let it be known...Niggas gotta get disqualified or sum...Peace..Ama jump on the next battle ....


    Ps..I just noticed still a open battle?..Is that the reason we still waiting ? (for the MECHS battle)....


    Edit** Come on niggaz gotta jump in the battle..to keep shit going...

  8. Originally posted by CRUELone@Jun 6 2005, 10:39 AM

    gay toy sketch.

    just for the record, i hat the letter S

    oh well...


    Not that bad of a sketch..Should've done the first "O" on top of that "H" thingy...Only thing gay bout it its those 3 dots..




    Xipe For the Lits battle...



    Edit** Sum like that you feel...

  9. Aaahhhhhh feels good coming outta retirement..Its been what..Like 2 months or more?..Damn..Had to pull out the Patron bottle for this one..Sorry feeling kinda typsy right now...Well its officialy Sunday now so heres my post for the MECHS battle...YellowFeets, go easy on me homes..Peace..



    Never under 50 on a residential area...Out here in the yay, we dance on top of cars man..













    Now let me go hit the Liquor store before its 2 in the morning...

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