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Papa Smurf..

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Everything posted by Papa Smurf..

  1. im in on that fuscia battle post it up 2nite sum time..:D
  2. Smile Battle.. http://pic15.picturetrail.com/VOL585/2343034/4606503/60284301.jpg'> Soz About The Lateness..:crazy:
  3. Speak Speaker same shit.. http://pic15.picturetrail.com/VOL585/2343034/4606503/60284300.jpg'>
  4. I wanna join the smile battle aswell!.. thanx:king:
  5. Stars are u ignoring me?? i said im in the speak battle.. ok?? and whos down for the titsex battle??:king:
  6. Ne1 wanna battle with the werd titsex adn only pen is alowed u lost me textas :lol: sweet peace out :D
  7. Hello? Stars? u gonna add me to the battle already untll it gets to 4 sumtin so then i can have no chance..
  8. Zile for Crime thats wild bruthaaa
  9. Rack Battle http://pic15.picturetrail.com/VOL585/2343034/4606503/59589083.jpg'> I created this rack battle so i think i have a right to enter it.. Originaly it was me n namerocc
  10. Ill post up my rack soooooooon...
  11. Whos down for rack battle? PENCIL ONLY!
  12. Re: woopsie Can u do it in pencil now?
  13. Nar yer thats sweet bro jus holla when u find out..:P
  14. Who wants to go a pencil only piece and ONLY pencil with the word "rack" im starting my sketch now but who ever battles post it with in 3 days or sumtin like that ... Chiller :king:
  15. NameRocc for fubar and culture werd.
  16. Re: more make. First of all make is spelt "make" not "mack" and second of all a one liner is when u do i throwie with jus one line and that isnt that!. thats my 2cents
  17. shoudlnt there be a big fat VOTE VOTE on the proper MAKE battle?
  18. Man every1 is voteing for make all he did was a piece? He was meant to do free hand a character and a throwie and he didnt do ne of them but a piece so wtf?
  19. Re: MAKE Hello????? I posted my make!!.. OK!
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