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Everything posted by MuthaMolesta

  1. yeah thomyorke is attacking. p.s. FRISCO is the shit! LOL
  2. yeah.. any mexicali wall flicks from the event this weekend?
  3. How come the Droids crew is so wack?
  4. whats really funny is your admittance.... I'm not as good as I say... I'm as good as my work says... unlike your wack ass shit my work actually speaks for itself.
  5. bitch you don't know me.. being "nice" with it aint the point? I guess Seen and Saber weren't trying to make their shit dope. The shit your posting is hella wack. Getting up is a must but putting wack shit up is worst than not getting up at all. Get your "stamp", nah fuck that.... get your wannabe "stamp" outta here. Calling you a "stamp" would actually be a compliment. Face it your a hater. You try to bring me down in order to make your inferior self feel better. That shits weak. You'll crush me? Bring it.
  6. You talk too much. No one gives a shit about your approval. Quoted post oh really? Eh dumbass no gives a shit about your disapproval so shut your felating priest ass and know your role. Fucking haole! Quoted post Im Puerto Rican not a haole, fool. I got nothing more to say to your dumbass. But you can keep talking shit since you got nothing better to do. proceed. Quoted post [/b] ew worst yet... a fucking spic... you guys are just wannabe popolos... I got lots to say to your "no posting"/"all words"/"all bark, no bite"/"priest fellating" mormon faggot. I got so much shit talking to do I should swallow a dozen roses. You got nothing better to do than respond to my shit talking. How hypocritical. proceed with your fellow Ohioians circle jerking.
  7. hmmmm... let's see. I ACTUALLY paint. I ACTUALLY contribute to this shit. I ACTUALLY live and breath this shit FULL TIME. while you fags do this shit when its convienient I do it 24/7 whether it be on a wall, a canvas, or on poster... I am graff. Fags like you front.... you like to bring the ones that actually do this shit down cause it makes you feel inferior. Haters like you I dust off like dirt. You fags contribute nothing but negativity on those that represent. Haters die!!!!
  8. half the peeps don't like me... ha who? hey dumbass try and learn how to write and spell a complete sentence. your coming off dumber than you originally was. "legal eagle" wow where did your brilliant mind come up with that? wow you some philosopher!! I guess all that time felating priest in the back of bible study paid off. Either start posting pics or shut the fuck up... your ruining your own thread with all this bullshit. I love polluting your shitty ass thread. However my pollution is better than the shit your Ohioians are posting so I guess I'm doing you moronic mormons a favor. How the fuck do you guys have time to paint? Don't you have to pay a shit load in tidings? All the jobs needed to pay that shit must not leave you much time to paint eh... I feel sorry for you losers.
  9. Nah sorry fag... Fuck your whole ohio scene. I love this shit. You fags actually give me the time of day. A Herb uses all caps. A Herb doesn't paint yet talk mad shit on the internet, thus a Herb is you.
  10. wow all caps huh... wow I'm really scared. Hmm let me think this through... Merz and Five... nope never heard of 'em... nor does Art Crimes have them listed. Go pack to your father mathew and fill that mouth of yours with his cum cause thats all your good for, you dumb fuck! you fags just love circle jerking with each other.... its a dayum shame.
  11. cough cough shut the fuck up you faggot cough cough heres my icon, not wacking off, but suit your dumbass so well
  12. too much talke eh? check all of your post. I at least posted pictures worth viewing
  13. You talk too much. No one gives a shit about your approval. ARIZE. Quoted post [/b] oh really? Eh dumbass no gives a shit about your disapproval so shut your felating priest ass and know your role. Fucking haole!
  14. Dude you know nothing about me. Who the fuck are you? nice technique? letter structure? dude I could draw circles around you.. I could do a better piece with your name than you could. Your trying to critique my shit... nigga gimme a break. either show and prove or shut your priest felating mormon ass up. I speak for myself and the homies I paint with.
  15. much props to simples for at least showing me something worthy. However I gotta disagree with you on that style comment. LA got its style on lock. nonetheless keep posting. your fellow dumbass Ohioians should follow suit.
  16. yeah your only dis towards me is that I do legals... dude that shit is getting old and really pointless. I ain't been to Ohio but from the looks of it, even with all that supposed dope shit your posting, it ain't worth going to. ON BEHALF of my island and LA, Ohio sucks major priest cock! For real! Name one write from Ohio that is known all over the world? Being that Hawaii is so small we, at least, still have a few writers that have made a difference and contributed to the worldwide scene of graf like Katch and Slick. LA is self explanatory. So what does Ohio got? Nadda you fucking loser! WE don't give a fuck about toys like you. Bitch its a free country. I can post wherever the fuck I want to. If you don't like it then too fucking bad. My opinion is worth more than the collective whole of "admitted" Ohio toys that regularly post here. Bitch what the fuck do you know? I've used Montana like once. I hate that shit. Krylon and Rusto til the day I die. And what the fuck does the brand of paint have to do with the repoir of a writer? So by your logic Revok must really be shitty since he only uses Belton? Fuck a legal? Shall I start posting my bombs, you mormon faggot? You think that maybe, just maybe, that by posting some of my shit on here would inspire you fags to actually do some worthwhile shit. I guess the golden days of graff is gone as writers would get inspired when they would see shit; now toys just get upset and bitch and spread negativity on those that are actually handling their shit. I honestly feel sorry for you mormon priest felating lowlifes. You guys should be ashamed to call yourself graffiti writers. Quoted post Yo, Are you from Ohio? If not, go catch feelings in your own thread. Productions are dope but if I had the loot for that much paint....I just might rather bomb with it. So what? Quoted post [/b] Me from OH-10? you wish. Catch feeling? Who the fuck are you? Oprah? Bombs are dope but I'd rather use the LITTLE cans I have to paint with for productions. I sorta would like something to show for it, however thats just me with my common sense. So what?
  17. Name one write from Ohio that is known all over the world? Quoted post Prae and Poke are down with TKO and know half the cats in MSK AWR and they're from fuckin small ass Cleveland...Gamble is known nationwide...one of the sickest writers from the midwest...Wands and Kelp are friends with COPE2 who put them down with KD!!! Wands is from Columbus...I have alotta respect for Hawaii cuz I've looked through yalls thread...but you, you're a bitch, your own people are telling you to stay outta this. Ohio...we gotta lotta writers that are known for their work...like I said, we could give a fuck about people like you or Hawaii for that matter. Fuck the haters.... Quoted post [/b] Never heard of any of 'em.... Fuck the haters? dog look at yourself.. your hating!!!!! My own people? like who? If they were "my own people" they wouldn't be saying that. See whats funny about all this is no one, and I mean no one, has yet to post any pics to prove me otherwise. This shit is hilarious. You guys condemn me for hating with YOUR HATE. I love the irony.
  18. Who are you? and what does this have to do with you? seriouly stay out of it.... me shit talking? i never do that. ha!
  19. yeah your only dis towards me is that I do legals... dude that shit is getting old and really pointless. I ain't been to Ohio but from the looks of it, even with all that supposed dope shit your posting, it ain't worth going to. ON BEHALF of my island and LA, Ohio sucks major priest cock! For real! Name one write from Ohio that is known all over the world? Being that Hawaii is so small we, at least, still have a few writers that have made a difference and contributed to the worldwide scene of graf like Katch and Slick. LA is self explanatory. So what does Ohio got? Nadda you fucking loser! WE don't give a fuck about toys like you. Bitch its a free country. I can post wherever the fuck I want to. If you don't like it then too fucking bad. My opinion is worth more than the collective whole of "admitted" Ohio toys that regularly post here. Bitch what the fuck do you know? I've used Montana like once. I hate that shit. Krylon and Rusto til the day I die. And what the fuck does the brand of paint have to do with the repoir of a writer? So by your logic Revok must really be shitty since he only uses Belton? Fuck a legal? Shall I start posting my bombs, you mormon faggot? You think that maybe, just maybe, that by posting some of my shit on here would inspire you fags to actually do some worthwhile shit. I guess the golden days of graff is gone as writers would get inspired when they would see shit; now toys just get upset and bitch and spread negativity on those that are actually handling their shit. I honestly feel sorry for you mormon priest felating lowlifes. You guys should be ashamed to call yourself graffiti writers.
  20. what a fag... you call me all talk? where the fuck is your pics? Wasted your time? more like you shouldn't have opened up that vagina you have for a mouth. I guess all the prodys that I posted is all talk. I guess all the peeps I paint with is all talk. You two circle jerking, priest felating, bend over budies, moronic mormons can shut the fuck up now. Eat shit and die you fucking haoles!!!!!
  21. yeah it took me hours to type this.. hours!!!! dude you really sound intelligent. Lets all worship Dirtdog for the wonderful contribution to this wack thread. Condescending? dude your coming off condescending with your "you got some cat from the other side of the country..." you fucking hypocrit. And it nice that you admit your toy... thank you so much as maybe that small brain of yours actually thought of something useful. Legal shit? bitch three of those prody's were legal... the rest ILLEGAL. I shall let Spurn PDB and Lotus INRI LTS know what you thought about their illegal "legals" as for that salmon fag.... brah you ain't hawaiian so shut your mouth and know your role. Ufa aikai!!!!! Mata usi!! fucking lepo mahu!!!!! Thanks for the repost dumbass. if you toys had any sense you would do like your fellow Ohio thread forum trolls and SHUT IT. Know this: when you play with fire YOU WILL get burned, biotch! now returning you to your usual display of wackness, "OzWeGo"
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