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Posts posted by neVR.KAwt

  1. RasekSeven

    umm yo so wats the deal with this battle..? srry this is the first time im battlin sumone on this shyt, but ummm... so wat, is that all there is to it? the battles over, an then peeps say wat they wanna say? or do we draw more!? idk im pretty much lost on this shyt.. but umm i posted my piece, hope i didnt do it wrong..!

  2. Originally posted by RasekSeven

    still waitin for nevr.kawt...boredom...how bout some feed back?


    sorry bout that, i had to go visit my gurl today, so i didnt really have time ti do much i jus gotta finish colorin it then im done

  3. Originally posted by 26SidedCube

    Alright. Tell him to do NIFT.


    Any 2 color combinations.


    Simples, panel styles, and throws.


    okei, an the 2 colors is the fillin rite?? lyke outline an double outline dont count as colors rite?



    and ummm.... wtf r panel styles!?


    well... simplez is good enuff of an exp.

    okei ill get him on sumtime to post, i think his name thing is 'han solo' or sumthin lyke that (unless he changed it)

  4. Originally posted by 26SidedCube

    Ethreads for the Pepsi.


    Kise for Hosr.


    I wanna fucking battle someone. Pick a word...

    2 colors.




    MeiKAoneR: or i could say, i knoe sumone who wants to battle

    hUlazillaaaaaaaa: okay

    MeiKAoneR: and tell umm y u cant log on the site from ur comp, cuz of the security settings


    ^^^he writes ToAST but if u wanna battle i think u gotta pick the words and colors an shyt (if ur down..) then when he draws his shyt hell come over my house to scan it an log on..

  5. RasekSeven


    yo it strate if i spell it SyFER..? or does it need the 'PH' in it



    and umm idk wheres all the picz of them piecez, id give a voting but i didnt see hardly none of those pieces except the 3 on this page..!

  6. nah man, you click the picture, it will come up, if you look the right of the picture there is a link that says "get link to this picture" click that...then, you copy the link, and put it in the img brackersssss

    yea and umm thanx for the help wit that ill try it l8r..!

  7. yo ill battle.. but yea, i aint gonna be doin no stupid shyt lyke i posted earlier..! lol that was jus sum shyt my boi R!ckYwanted me to draw his name for him so thas all i really had at the time.

    but yea ummm if anyones down jus pick a word (i have hard time thinkin up good words) then im down, but im pretty shyt at simplez an watnot.. but i guess i gotta learn sumtime! so ill give it a try.. :crazy: :crazy:

  8. yo, i wanna battle sumone..! but ummm could anyone tell me how to post flix good? cuz they always be fuken up when i try to post anything.. :confused: :confused: but if sumone can tell how to post um, i wanna battle..!:D

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