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Cory Feldman

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Everything posted by Cory Feldman

  1. Abide, Zski, Bier, Mink, Regal, Pestoe, Vomit, Abhor. i dont read all the bullshit you kids talk, i bet no one else does either, Im just looking at pictures. FYI.. Lost, and Take 5 ... are good, but are not some shit i see on a dumpster in PDX.
  2. what about the shit around the corner of that Benz window?
  3. dude. really though. that Eruptoe Gime Human shit made me and a room of people laugh out loud. like, no diss. but dude, come on.
  4. i like how Vomit spells Biers name wrong.
  5. Wolf 86 bro. Benz bro.. Losers bro.
  6. Oddio, email me. theslummyloser@yahoo.com
  7. i wasnt talking about me, i was talking about the person i quoted, like i said, hit the email if you wanna chat... funny how i dont know who you are or what your talking about. fill me in.
  8. this is actually coming from a dude that you all jock... graffiti is just that, vandalism, thats why you look at this site.. you wanna see some dude who puts in hella work and talks on this site get stomped? right? am i right? some dude, rather you hate or love or dont care about his shit, some dude who consistanytly speaks his mind, not out of some ego shit, but a guy who some one always has something to say about. i mean come on, search the posts, its not like pores just randomly speaks out,(well sometimes, but provoked) dude posts under his own name when shit involes him, .... so yeah, he got beat up," jumped" ... who knows or cares if it was a fair fight if he would of won, does it really matter? actually? well, reguardless, me and this dude, and his "bitch" where stealing shit bigger than your little sister, "blowing up" all your favorite spots,(hhah) and painting shit you couldnt even tell your girfriend about and having a great time,in citys you have never stepped foot in. and still are,and your in your at home looking on Kazza for a video of some kid you supposedly"dont give a fuck about" getting beat up.. like, i can see what you guys are all hyped about, but shit, i have seen like 30 videos of a ton of fucking writers getting stomped, but it wasnt like the next fucking day a ton of fools where on the fucking interweb talking about putting it there fucking crew videos. i dont know what i have ever done to any one in GPK for them to want to "serve" me, ,but if any one of you have a problem... like all the beef i have, (internet derived) email me at theslummyloser@yahoo.com . you guys are looking like nerds on here discusing this shit, (myself inculded, you too pores), but hey, thats what the email is is for, but its way more hip hop to talk shit on 12oz... (yo OG Corn Dizzle, email me, i got a good joke about mormans you would like)... yeah, anyhow.. fill in the blanks with all the "fuck you Life" and um "Toy this and that" fuck i forget, i would just rather talk to the dudes who i hear about talking shit about me and my crews, you know, the dudes i have never fucking met. oh, and the all the people i have never dissed, and um... yeah... all the people who are like"dude is like, ...... um crew with pores..... like, um, i read some shit on 12oz (god) that said dude is like some sort of snitch..... so im all about beliving that shit.... cause yo, shit was on the 12oz.." oh... or that dude i made fun of on myspace who took it sooooooo personal, that he said something about on this site, join the masses big guy, you fucking cock.... love forever and always, done with you nerds.... LifeOneTwentyThreeLosersAssholesTheSlumsLords
  9. when is retsol gonna stomp out these fucks anyhow? on another note... Panther Ice has 7.5% alcohol. i dunno if they got it anyhwere but Minneapolis though.
  10. Vote used some of my yellow one time. i was hyped.
  11. you crack me up J dub.... ill be there soon, so we can get drunk, but not around the vegans, they dont like you drunk.
  12. pores is right, you guys are pretty fucking wack, your about to get someone buffed, AND, you write Mylk... tisk tisk, i wouldnt want to be in your shoes.
  13. haha, are those THE SEPT's LOC'S we left on your porch? http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00314155f00000002.jpg'>
  14. hey Seattledied, we are coming out there tonight. If at all possible, let theveganslut know we are on our way... and to expect us. im a cheap ass with no long distance. .... oh heres a picture so this isnt a waste of space. http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/81dmE_camera056.jpg'>
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