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Everything posted by RedEmpress

  1. why peeps be hittin up the same fuckin' spots?
  2. Fuck cctv, this country is full of cctv... but they aint watchin' all the time ;)
  3. where is that homo mint @ ??
  4. Not D.C But incase none of you cats (aj bmo and other friends from d.c) check the london underground thread (which has too much talk) But this is what went down here on xmas day.... http://groups.msn.com/writersdelight/xmasspecial2.msnw http://groups.msn.com/writersdelight/xmasspecial.msnw I got more photos that are mine, but that just gives you the jist of destruction!!!
  5. Dope! Good to see some Sek! Yo AJ Are you in at the moment? I got the free call shit back... The company took if off and shit, but yeah hit me back with an IM Peace, and happy holidays!
  6. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- Thanks for the heads up man, I'll check it. Hopefully I can get up a little too. Peace
  7. Fuck, I can't wait to get to L.A this week, all this shits making me more excited about coming over... 11 hour flight will be worth it.
  8. Bump this shit, my homie geeks!
  9. Yeah I caught that on itv, had Rosie Perez in it. Nothing to do with the book though son. Decent film, but robbed my ideas for a doco haha. Peace
  10. A certain someone needs to get thier ass here... but really a certain ass needs to get his ass back to the D.C! Going to the embassy tomorrow!
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