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Everything posted by KING MILE

  1. yo names ceito nor forge got ur email so u gonna have to hit me up or something haha..aight 1
  2. aight man cool thanx...and yea ill post my east coast soon...no woories:D
  3. yo names u down to trade stickers?..hit me up man peace
  4. http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v63/thisone/forgebattle.jpg'>
  5. http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v63/thisone/heat_battle.jpg'>
  6. i got bored... http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v63/thisone/makebattlew.jpg'>


    bored http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v63/thisone/thisfacethrow.jpg'>
  8. ima have to go wit sez on that sez haha
  9. ima have to go wit omen on that war..
  10. WELL I DONT WANT KOOTER IN THE BATTLE...GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE..JERK!...jk :lol: ..sorry im bored...damn its 9 people now
  11. http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v63/thisone/res_battle.jpg'> theres silver in it but u cant really tell..
  12. hey is it cool if i join in on the res battle?..
  13. since i did the RESK throwie battle does anyone want to do a piece RESK battle?...umm no rules just it has to be done by tommoro night.
  14. http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v63/thisone/resk.jpg'>
  15. THEHAVENOTS yo wut up...hit me up on AIM or get my number from KE so we can paint sometime..haha ive gotton better from that mice like 2 years ago...peace
  16. my space http://img21.photobucket.com/albums/v63/thisone/space_battle.jpg'>
  17. hey do u guys mind if i join in on that SPACE battle?
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