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Everything posted by boner

  1. boner


    here's a few flicks from scribble, i have a shit ton more but i don't feel like uploading them. all are courtesy of beer pbj RIP HEIST
  2. i'd also like some opinions on THX 1138. in the meantime:
  3. For those of you who liked city of god, check out a documentary called "Bus 174". It's about a street kid who hijacks a city bus and takes hostages. It tries to show how the police and prison system are failures. Along the same lines, there is a doc about chechen rebels who overtake a moscow theatre, it used to play on HBO. Some amazing footage, it came out around 2003. Finally, mostly because william s. burroughs has a part.
  4. i'm aware of this, however, i still enjoy it and it is usually reasonably priced. coincidently i'm also currently drinking the goose island summer ale... pretty good, but i like the india pale better.. i like the strong hops taste. sierra nevada pale ale is kinda similar. not sure if it was mentioned but if you like guiness, try a beamish stout.
  5. draft, with an orange slice go chicago
  6. boner


    milk....sorry about the size
  7. boner


    free times article was pretty good, some good fliks... what's up with this 216ism zine, where can i find one?
  8. for the metalheads 160 holding it down.. p.s. i was shitfaced when i made this http://img12.photobucket.com/albums/v36/crackw4nk/160postie.jpg'>
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