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Posts posted by wordvirus

  1. One thing, though this opinion comes without any "experiance" is that it seems like people are no longer "brought up" in sub cultures today. You had Rufe, helping you learn that "this ain't no hobby" and other such things, from the basics of hopping to the culture prevading the tramp lifestyle. Writers used to be taught the game from an older more experianced artist, shown the ropes so to speak. It seems like people are getting harder to trust everyday, as if capitalism and its poison has really enetered the hearts of most people leading to a lot of "all for me at the cost of all of you" mentalities out there. Do you see this more now then in the past? Certainly feels like the train culture is slowly decaying due to increased security. Would you have stayed a tramp if you were not catching out? I feel like wondering, eyes wide open, all that comes with it is so beneficial to life.

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