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Posts posted by joe

  1. yeah i can guarantee jawz isnt workin for the cops. banning him wouldnt do shit

    ....ban this dude right here,.and a couple others..shit..ban me too so i aint gotta be distgusted by retarded ass coments from mentally challenged delinquints!..FUCK DENZ...SOFT ASS TWINK..HE GOT NO LOVE FOR MILWAUKEE AND SAID FUCK THIS LAVERNE & SHIRLY CITY"...milwaukee is when ATEM BITCH SLAPPED THAT FAGGOT AT A UPROC "HIP HOP,SOCK DANCE" SHINDIG! thats real shit PIMP C! !..time for a protein shake..im out..

  2. heyy,im all about the cause too,Im too old to partake in any illegal shit like that,but back in my hayday no one was doin shit like that,that big atleast..but i do know from expierence that when you make headlines,the boys crack down on everbody and anybody to get info! I got a pretty good understanding of the law and how it works,and you should,cuz you better know your shit ,and dont say shit when your in interogation under that hot bulb and theres nothing but a fat binder full of all of your shit,and slick cops that know theyre shit,wether its twisted or not,cuz its theyre job to get you twisted!...Soo yea...LAY LOW SON!

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  3. if you're mad the one year you came out there was no food then you're probably a fat bastard.


    Grills and Skills 2009 is happening and for you fat fucks and broke skinny chumps there will be food provided.


  4. wast of time that grills n skills shit..when i went i didnt see no

    fuckin grills,and trust ME! I was looking! should be called..."rack of wack"..or hot wackness on a bun"..

  5. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: its STILL funny...

    ....you wanna know whats really funny?..take a look at your portfolio!

    ....funny is when ROLLIE FINGERS gave your mom a mustache ride after

    the 1982 World Series !

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