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Posts posted by scene1

  1. Originally posted by onek@Dec 12 2005, 07:18 PM

    got any good recipes for pink candy? ;]

    i've been tryin to find that out for a LONG time man aint no1 gonna tell you on here trust me i've tried and many other forums just 1 of those things people arent willin to let every1 know about

  2. i dunno how people can say "no1 writes my name" cos A) you write it so some1 does and B) have you went round the entire world and looked at every single handstle dub piece throw-up? NO so chances are there will be some1 else out there with the same name as you even if they are just a toy

  3. Originally posted by QueaZyFunK@Dec 2 2005, 01:30 AM




    hahaha captin caveman rules i use to love watchin that shit when i was younger but that lass with the squeeky voice pissed me off


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