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Everything posted by ExcedrinPM

  1. Hmmm.. Plus told me otherwise. You're gay BlesoCereal
  2. I didnt want this to turn into some bullshit over some obviously young kid who just doesnt know. Also I wasnt assuming that everyone is stupid and would think it really was puzl. but I do know how some bullshit rumors start on these pages by some drama kings..and I just wanted to post the piece becuse it was dope.thats it....sorry but Id rather see flicks (even if its c2d) than all yalls shit talking anyday. Im sure if someone fixed it and put up a banner saying whats up peeps would likley respect it.also..I try to go out and flick shit and mind my own buisness. I dont know why yall gotta start talking shit to me? what the hell is a tard munch anyways?? Quoted post [/b] Just shut up and keep running around taking flicks of all of our stuff. Thanks, bye.
  3. Man, you thought that I thought it was PUZL KYT? HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAA...... .. ha.... ha... BWAAAAHH HAH AHAHHAHAAHHAHAH Sorry, I know Puzl's shit when I see it.
  4. I think the tard munch meant the diss was new. Either way, I want to know who I think it is. I agree with Drasteks.. The piece of Plus' in Tacoma was not even restored by his good homies or crew, it was restored by two kids who had respect for him.. The UnderWorld ones will die as well.
  5. I believe that shit got dissed a long time ago while he was still alive. But don't hold me to it. Sooner or later it will all go :o( However, there is a preserved piece of his in Tacoma. Quoted post well..actually it is new. but its not by who you think it is. its obviously someone who doesnt know better. Im thinking about just fixing it and putting a scroll next to it saying whats up...maybe it would be respected then. Quoted post [/b] Who do I think it is?
  6. I believe that shit got dissed a long time ago while he was still alive. But don't hold me to it. Sooner or later it will all go :o( However, there is a preserved piece of his in Tacoma.
  7. The OZE108 train is sick... As well as the OZE108 and POE wall back there.
  8. Kiloooooooooooe.. Thats the nigga... Whether you like Kilo's steeze or not.. He's getting up with full colored pieces with themes.. That is something to respect.. Fucking sick.
  9. There is a fucking God and I must now go thank it.
  10. Okay, I need someone to give me the heads up when Cereal/Washington/Bleso is going to be in my hood.. because I am going to break his fucking jaw. I hate that annoying ass downsyndrome fuck. You bite so fucking hard and your shit still fucking sucks.
  11. Yea thats cool.... There getting themselves caught up..Cops are on to that shit already, get over it....Cops know writers are on there cause writers decided to show their work on there to make the girls jizz Quoted post Nah, word to what Dkae said.. cuz I don't actually have a profile on there that shows my graffiti or even has it listed as an interest. I DO, however, have a name that's pretty uncommon, so now I'm kinda paranoid (I think I'm going to delete it right now in fact, just to be safe). Oh well, I don't use it much anyhow.. Regardless of what Asic says, I DO paint, quite often. I've done it for over 10 years now!? I change my name more then I should (because I don't really care about the fame as much as the fun) and I'm not the best, but I go out at LEAST a dozen times a month. Oh.. and I agree about the shittalking on here, that's why I rarely post anything! Everytime I do, no matter what I say, I gotta deal with that prick (FYI, him and his bullshit have a lot to do with the demise of my website, so you can thank him for that). My point is, I've never started shit with anyone on here, but I gotta stand up for myself when someone misrepresents me. I could care less if he said I was "emo" or whatever, but when he says I don't ever paint, well, he's just flat out making shit up!? That's childish and pathetic. Grow up already!? Anyhow, in order to vanquish SOME of the BS on here, I guess I'll have to change my login as well. So, that's it from me. Peace out. Quoted post [/b] Dude... What the fuck? MYSPACE MYSPACE... Dkae, youre just mad because you have your shit up on there dogg... I got one of my flicks and I dont even care.. Aint no one got rolled up from MySpace... That shit was never on no channel 13 news in LA or whatever that rumor was.. Just dont be so scurred and you'll be fine.. Much love my little bitchboy.. haha
  12. Cereal, you are fat. do not try to deny it. You look like an uglier version of Michael Moore. Don't front. What is that website of yours? The one with the picture of your fat head in the Underworld? And then the shot of you going over a HIER.gn piece in the shitty garage with your fat chunk handles hanging out? "SillyeMerral.free shit cheap site.html" ? Dont worry, I wont drop your exact info, but having said that, you cant claim you arent fat.. You are. And this talk that you "can do anything" is a joke.. If you can do anything then get your garbage the fuck out of here for the sake of all of us. Do you enjoy being the most looked down upon writer in the Northwest? The only reason anyone even knows "who you are" is because you are an idiot and you post the same shitty canvases on a graffiti site. You never bombed a thing but a fucking legal wall. Im not trying to be a dick but you need to deflate your head real quick because you aren't as dope as you wish you were... Just get off of it you Penis Friendly jerk-off.
  13. Washington/Cereal, you are so lame man. You are saying FUCK HYMN2? I heard Hymn socked you up downtown because you are a bitch and you didnt learn? Youve gotten beat up hella times.. Why post your lame canvases? Those are gay. Go to your mom's kitchen and paint your canvases and do not broadcast them. We do not want to see them.
  14. Ooooohhhh.. Some Bhive, STAKER and Dannneerrrrrrr Anyways, Gaws you get on defense way too quick homie.. You should calm down or something. You make more posts defending yourself about small-time jibberish than anything else. Chill out home-slice...
  15. Is that the same IAM that Amp and Daybreak were in?
  16. I normally am not feeling FIST's shit, but I am feeling that one.. Hot hot.. Diggin' diggin' diggin'!
  17. Cereal, you fat fuck, I didn't say you were going to change your screen name ass sniff. I said regardless how many times you change it, we will still hate you. You have had clearly more than one screen name on 12OZ in your pathetic lifetime. You want to pop off to people about legal walls? Who the fuck is posting wack ass 2 foot CANVASES on a graff forum? You. Who has gotten beat up for being a narc ass bitch? You. Who hangs out at the Tacoma garages and paints (w)horrible ass wanna-be graff? You. I would be more than happy to meet up with this Michael Moore look-a-like, but I know his chubby ass won't meet me. If I hung out at wack-ass legal walls I would probably catch you, but I am out getting up elsewhere and getting drunk. So you can keep making posts on 12OZ of some wack ass shit and you can continue to pop off, but someone on here will catch you and they had better light you up. You can also rep your "Vagina Friendly" tattoo all you want, but when it comes down to it, you know the tattoo artist refused to write "Penis Friendly" on a males arm, and that's how you ended up with what you got. Think I don't know who you are sillye Billye.. You narc ass bitch. CEREAL KILLER.
  18. Washington, I know exactly how you can attempt to redeem yourself... Let us all meet up with you and we can sock you up, spit in your face, bungy cord your chubby ass to a treadmill for 8 hrs, punch and kick your repeatedly while you try to jog your fat ass on it, and then let us shove fish hooks through your eyelids and swing you around downtown Seattle... Nah, we'd still know you are a bitch. Quit posting.. No matter how many times you change your screen name we will know who you are and how bad you suck.
  19. This site is a collection of stolen pictures... If anyone has gone to the other NorthWest sites they have seen all of this shit... Good job crediting those you stole from penis grill.
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